6th, 7th, 8th – Election Day

The last four years of advertisements and campaigning is finally here: election day!  What an important day in our country, but more importantly, our students.

All of our students have spent considerable time research each of the major candidates (and a third party candidate) as it relates to 6 major issues facing our country: education, environment, civil rights, immigration, health care, and abortion.  They have, hopefully at least, formed an informed opinion about which candidate they support, based on fact rather than popular sentiment.

Today, you can help your child understand more about the election process.  Ask your child who they support and why.  Press them for evidence based reasoning rather than “I just do” type answers.  Require them to support their answers with facts, not opinions.  If you are going to the physical polls today, bring them along (make sure to mask up and keep your distance).  If you voted absentee/by mail, share your reasoning why with them.

At the end of the day, do not be afraid to share your vote with your child.  Explain your reasoning why you support a particular candidate (and the same with your child, cite your evidence/reasoning).  Politics should not be taboo to discuss.  Start with that conversation today and show your child we are capable of having civil conversations concerning divisive content.

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