6th, 7th, 8th – Inauguration

Regardless of political ideology, a Presidential Inauguration is an interesting and exciting time.  There is lots of pomp and rituals surrounding the peaceful transfer of power.

Today, we will participate in the inauguration in our own way.  First, students will come up with their own, briefer version of the inauguration address; which is designed to bring people together.  Students will write their own version and hopefully, deliver their speech to their classmates (a copy of the assignment is linked here).  Next, we are going to be watching whatever part of the ceremony happens to be on during our class (linked here).  During this time, students will be playing a bit of an I-Spy game in which they need to find different people, places, and things along the way.  The activity is linked here.  Finally, students are going to be reading an article which highlight some of the plans President Biden has for the 1st 100 days he is in office (article linked here).  From there, they will put forth some issues they believe the President should address right away while in office (the activity is linked here).

We now have a new president in power in our country (I am writing this before the inauguration so hopefully I did not jinx anything).  My hope is that students can disregard whatever party allegiance they have and start to focus on working together to solve some of the issues that plague our country.  Please discuss with them some of the things you and they can do to help make our country and world a better place.

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