6th, 7th, 8th – To Impeach or Not to Impeach

As the House of Representatives moves to debate impeaching President Trump for the second time, we are left with the question of: should President Trump be impeached or not?

As difficult as it is, it is not my place to say to the students what I truly believe on the impeachment process.  My job is to provide them with the information they need in order to make an educated decision and have an educated discussion.  We as a class discussed the pros and cons of impeachment, as well as the actual structure of the impeachment process.  All of that work culminated in the students answering the question: should we impeach or not impeach President Trump.

Students posted their opinions on our class Flipgrid (linked here).  The next day, each student was asked to respond to their classmates, as well as students in other grades.  The idea behind this posting is for students to share their informed opinion, provide evidence to support their claim, and question what others think is a respectful manner.  Please feel free to check out our Flipgrid discussion and start your own at home.

One thought on “6th, 7th, 8th – To Impeach or Not to Impeach

  1. The flip grids are so interesting and really reflect the various perceptions of our students. Thank you for creating a safe space for students to share their views.

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