Day 1 – Sukkah Redesign

The 2020-2021 school year is off to a great start.  Unfortunately, much of our planning as it relates to the Sukkah is no longer applicable.  Our proposed field trip to the store to purchase wood, screws, and bolts is out of the question.  Same applies to the dimensions of our Sukkah.  We cannot do as planned because we need to include social distancing guidelines and class maximums into our plan.  Throw in five new students compared to last year and we have to start fresh.

One of the most important parts of our process thus far has been the steps to figure out how much space we need to include in our Sukkah; which is step #1.  In pairs (which includes our virtual learners), students needed to calculate the required dimensions of our Sukkah using the following 4 guidelines (a real life problem solving situation):

  1. class sizes of 15 (14 and 1 teacher)
  2. every needs socially distanced 6 feet
  3. our structure needs to be rectangular
  4. everyone needs 2 feet of clearance from the walls

Attached are some photos of the students as they attempt to solve this problem together; having to think critically about the problem in order to come up with an answer.  Make sure to ask any of them how they came up with their answer and how big they believe our Sukkah needs to be.



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