Same learning goals just a shift in the transparency…

This year I took on the huge task of using an ever changing Petrova version of standards based grading. I wrote learning goals or “I can” statements, in alignment with several accredited sources and our MJDS philosophy and core values. These targets make learning visible for the student. Below are the links to the standards your child will be graded on for this semester. MJDS is shifting grading to be clear and meaningful for the kids, and I am glad to be a part of this change. Letter grades don’t really communicate much and often put undeserved labels on kids which impede their ability to have a growth mindset, but the comments the teachers write have much more meaningful data.

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

Student Skills

One Response

  1. alippman at |

    This approach to reporting student growth is powerful as it leads to open and honest conversations about where each student is at the moment and why. Growth is not a fixed state…


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