Annotating Fiction: During Reading Strategy

One of the most beneficial during reading strategies for fiction is annotation or marking the text. This allows the teacher to see inside the brain of the student while they are reading and reacting to the texts. It also helps students to discuss and write about what they have read and be active and engaged in the process of reading critically. When this process starts in grade six, I provide a common key to guide students. While reading fiction we focus on story elements and theme. Students quickly make it their own by adding color or their own topics and style to the annotation.

We do many stories as a whole class and slowly the process is released to small groups and partnerships. Next, students have multiple chances to try it on their own and receive feedback from me. In grades seven and eight, because of the extensive previous practice, the process is a quicker release to the student and there is a higher expectation of complexity and depth in annotations. Annotation is assessed on an individualized basis where students should show growth based on individualized teacher feedback as the unit goes on. In eighth grade, the process eventually leads to discussion of author style and technique and students begin to notice, note, and critique how authors create meaning through writing. Students also use this during reading strategy to record their thoughts about their book in book club. Below are some examples of annotated stories and a version of the rubric I will use to assess them on their upcoming assessment. Students will use this rubric to self-assess before the assessment.



One Response

  1. Jason at |

    This is such a beautiful and powerful practice!! Thank you for teaching and inspiring the students to do this early on in their learning journeys. This practice will serve them well for a lifetime. I would submit – and I know you know this – this practice works well with Non-fiction also! To this day, I still prefer hardcopy books – giving me the opportunity to annotate my thoughts in real-time! Thank you for all you do!


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