Making Sense of Graph That Tell a Story – 8th Grade

During the unit of Linear Functions, one of  the representation of an equation is a graph. Graph could be a just mathematical picture of the relationship between quantities. We are trying to look at the graph and understand the story behind it– What can we tell about the numbers its represent. In addition, when analyzing a linear graph , for instance, finding the slope as a rate of change and presenting a number is not enough. We will describe in words, the meaning of the number.


Student-Owned Learning – 8th Grade

To summarize a unit of problem solving, a group of students had to design their own uniform motion problem. They had to challenge their peers, check and assess their peer solutions and present their own solution using at least 2 different strategies. We also had a peer assessment to get a feedback about the process and reflect on their own work. It was  a fascinating learning process.

Use the following links to review some of their work :

Problem 1, Problem 2, Problem 3 , Problem 4 , Problem 5








8th Grade Field Trip to Indian Community School

I was amazed to see our students’ attitude while visiting Indian Community School (ICS). We attended an English and Science classes, spent some time outside, taking measurements such as wind speed, air temperature, humidity, using different tools and finally record the collected data in a report card. I was proud to watch our students collaborating with other students and participating in those activities.

Check out some photos.


An Opening Activity – 8th Grade

Hello Everyone,

Today as an opening activity we dealt with two word problems : “Two buckets” and The “mangoes problem” . The activities were done in groups of 3-4 students. I was very impressed by the group’s collaboration, brainstorming and creative problem solving. A variety of solutions were presented by the groups. 


Check out some of the photos.