Zip Lining

A sure sign of an amazing day at school— I can barely  keep my eyes open and it’s only 7:30PM!

Today was incredible. Your children were brave, empathetic, supportive and patient. It was amazing to watch those who were more confident cheer on the ones who were more cautious. Additionally, watching these amazing kids overcome fears and take a pretty serious risk was maybe the best thing ever! To be honest, I think Adon Lippman and I were the most nervous of all! 

The team building experiences in the morning helped facilitate all of the amazingness we experienced in the afternoon. The kids will be blogging about their experience tomorrow, stay tuned! 

In fact, on the bus ride home, one student turned to me and said, “this was so much fun, can we blog about it?” 

I am so proud of your kiddos!

I’ve included some photos below, though I am sure there will be many more in Yom this week.






One thought on “Zip Lining

  1. I am completely blown away by your courage, strength and support for each other!!! You guys exemplify the battle cry of Me to We—I have never been more proud of you,Team Upper School!!!

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