SS Update 9/19

Good morning! 

I can’t believe all of the learning and fun that has taken in such a short period of time! A week ago we discussed what it means to be a good classmate and then a group mate. This year in Social Studies we will spend a lot of time working collaboratively. We all agreed that in order to be successful, we had to create a set of norms, or expectations, for ourselves and each other.  The results were incredible. Your kids have set high expectations for themselves and have been sticking to them! I also loved that the kids included our core values: empathy, wonder and Tikkun Olam.










 The creation of these expectations was the perfect transition into our first group project. The students were put into groups and asked to research an ancient landmark and share their findings with the rest of the class. Through Google Classroom, students documented their research and kept our essential question in mind, “How do ancient landmarks help us learn more about the civilizations that lived during that time?” The groups worked diligently and stayed focused on the task at hand. Many groups referred back to our group expectations as they had to work on compromising and shared responsibilities. After 3 hard days of research and creativity, the students did a “gallery walk” to learn more about the landmarks their classmates studied. 


The classroom was silent as the kids made their way from one poster to the next. With one exception– Many students were raising their hands and pointing out to me that some, if not all of the groups, had conflicting information. Or, some groups had information that didn’t quite make sense. For example, the years listed didn’t match the time that the civilizations existed. Or, the size of the landmark was measured in inches instead of feet or miles. The kids were surprised by reaction…a smile and “I know.”






Today we are spending time in the innovation lab looking at real and fake images and websites. We are spending time talking about the importance of checking websites to make sure they are credible. We are spending time talking about the importance of using more than one source when conducting research and not always using the first result in Google. We are spending time focusing on what 21st century students need to know! The landmark project was exactly what I wanted it to be- a FAIL– or a first attempt in learning. 

Image result for first attempt in learningWe will look back at our posters and use the project as an opportunity to reflect on what went well and what we can do differently in the future when working on research based projects. There will also be an opportunity for groups to receive feed forward– kind, specific and helpful information that can help them move forward in their work. 

I look forward to sharing more learning with you soon, stay tuned! 











Tashlich Tomorrow and Noon Dismissal

Quick Reminder- Tomorrow our entire school will walk to Klode park together to participate in a Rosh Hashanah sing and Tashlich ceremony. It is supposed to be hot! Please make sure your child has on sunscreen before arriving to school and is wearing comfortable shoes for the walk. I am looking forward to this fun and special MJDS community event!

Please don’t forget that tomorrow is a noon dismissal. This means that students will NOT eat lunch at school! We will have a snack at the park to welcome in the new year.

שנה טובה Shana Tovah

This week in Reader’s Workshop

We continued to build and establish routines this week in Reader’s Workshop. We decorated our reading binders and created subject dividers to keep our thoughts and ideas organized. We discussed what our daily routine would look like. This includes a mini lesson, time for independent reading/small group instruction and finally, an opportunity to share learning. I promised your children that I will try to keep the mini lessons as close to 15 minutes as possible and today I did it!  Your children are loving the opportunity to read independently and are working hard on choosing interesting, good fit books. This was the topic of today’s discussion and of course, a new anchor chart was created. We are going to work extra hard this year on documenting our thinking as we read and learn in Reader’s Workshop. One strategy for documenting our thinking is called “stop and jot.” I will constantly encourage your children to “stop and jot” as they read independently at school and at home. The more your child thinks about his/her thinking, or uses his/her metacognition, the stronger reader he/she will become. 

I am just getting to know your children as readers and I am already impressed! I cannot wait to watch their growth this year. 






Quick Reminders

Good morning 5th grade families!

A few quick reminders…

Tomorrow, 9/15, we will join the 6th graders at Rainbow Day Camp for the 5th/6th grade retreat! Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. It looks like we will have a beautiful day! MJDS will be providing lunch, please make sure your child has a water bottle and sunscreen. If your child wants to bring his/her own kosher dairy lunch, they can! We will leave school at 9:00am and return around 2:45pm. 

Picture day is Monday, 9/18! If you would like to order pictures and forgot to grab a form at parent orientation, please shoot me an email and I can send one home with your child.

Next week Wednesday is a noon dismissal. We will spend the morning doing Taslich at Klode Park as an entire school community. There is no school Thursday or Friday due to Rosh Hashanah. I wish you all a happy, healthy and sweet new year! 


🙂 Gev. Kimmel 

Welcome to Gev. Kimmel’s Learning Hub!

Hello 5th and 6th Grade Families,

Welcome to my blog, or as I’m calling it, my learning hub! As I start this new journey of blogging, I ask that you be patient with me! It may look different from day to day as I experiment and figure out what works best for me, your children, and you! I will try my best to post weekly at first and then hopefully daily in an effort to share our learning with you! 

Over the next few weeks we will spend a lot of time in class talking about the benefits of documenting and reflecting on our learning. Our classroom blog will be a tool to support this journey. Alongside these important conversations we will discuss social media etiquette and safety and giving and/or receiving honest and constructive feedback.

It will be important for both you, and your children to understand that our blog will not just be for finished, perfect work, but for the messy work we do daily. In fact, I will encourage your children to share their mistakes and imperfections as opportunities to reflect and grow. Please expect spelling and grammatical mistakes daily from your children…and maybe me!

Stay tuned for many more blog posts! As always, please let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns! 

🙂 Gev. Kimmel