Make it Move Challenge- ETC

On Wednesday, we dove into our first team challenge of the year. The Make it Move Challenge— can you move a matchbox car across a table without using your body to propel it and without lifting the table? How will you do it using only the materials provided?

(We encourage you to look at the presentation we used in class {linked above} as it will give you an insight into the process we take the kids through.)

The kids were asked to work in groups for the first time this year. We purposefully didn’t give many directions or go over teamwork expectations. Are we crazy? Maybe! But, it all worked out how we wanted it to! 

The kids got started. As expected, a few groups had come up with quick solutions that ended up failing. They didn’t meet the requirements, or their plan didn’t work out. What did the kids do? They planned again! They tested again and again until they were successful, or ran out of time! 

At the end of class, we reflected together. Many students expressed that there were a wide range of emotions felt in class- excitement to get started, frustration with themselves of others, annoyance with materials, and the one we heard over and over- aggravation for not getting more direction. 

This led us to the most perfect conversation. Our intent. EtC is a low stakes class, with unlimited potential, where students will be able to develop teamwork skills, showcase creativity and innovation, and most importantly, fail over and over again. We explained that  if we had given TOO many directions or parameters, it would have limited their thinking and willingness to experiment. Instead, we had 5 groups all trying out different plans. We had groups communicating beautifully and other teams struggling to share responsibility. It was sensational. And, it was the perfect segue, as  next week we will start examining our teamwork rubric and practicing teamwork expectations in class. We can’t wait!

Check out the pictures and videos below that show the different stages of the challenge! 

Gev. Kimmel, Gev. McAdams & Gev. Noorlander 


Individual Planning

Team Sharing/Planning

Creating/Executing Plans


Video 2

Video 1


4 thoughts on “Make it Move Challenge- ETC

  1. What were the available supplies? The straw solution was so creative. I can’t wait to see how building these learning behaviors and habits will lead to deeper thinking and problem-solving later in the year.

  2. I love this activity- the teamwork, critical thinking and culture of FAIL as first attempt at learning. I’m working to bring these ideas into my classroom at the college level and our 5th at 6th graders seem to be more open to it. They will be ready!

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