Invention Convention Underway!

Fifth and Sixth graders have started to brainstorm ideas for our fourth quarter ETC class, invention convention. We kicked off class by watching a video about a 14 year old boy who invented waste-less shampoo – the kids were intrigued and excited to start thinking about their own inventions. 

Instead of immediately jumping to invention ideas, we asked the kids to start thinking about problems that need to be solved. These problems could be big or small– my towel falls off every morning, or earth decomposing because of an intense amount of waste. 

The room was quiet at first and then buzzing with excitement as the class was eager to share what they had come up with. 

The entire process will be documented in an Invention Convention journal where students will be required to document daily work, reflect upon their progress and brainstorm ideas on how to move forward. This will also be an opportunity for students to practice time management as they have a very specific calendar they must stick to! 

I look forward to sharing updates with you here. The kids will blog about their progress every other week or so. In the meantime, please ask your child what he/she has been working on! 

One thought on “Invention Convention Underway!

  1. There are so many challenges in today’s world and teaching students how to identify problems and attempt to solve them is exactly what we need.

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