Can you name and explain the four types of conflict?

This was the question of the day in Reader’s Workshop.

Today I asked students to create a video tutorial demonstrating their knowledge of the four types of conflict we have studied all week.  They were assigned partners and given a set of expectations and requirements via a rubric.

After questions and discussion over the rubric, the kids excitedly starting working. Some students decided to act out the conflict while others used pictures and/or videos as examples. I’ve included some pictures and video of their work here. Tomorrow we will wrap up and the kids will share their tutorials on their individual blogs.  I know they will love your feedback, please ALWAYS feel free to comment on their blogs. We all love hearing from you!




One thought on “Can you name and explain the four types of conflict?

  1. I was fortunate enough to see some of these videos during creation. Every student was 100% engaged and proud of their ability to explain the types of conflict. Student owned!

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