
Date: 2/26/2020

Learning Partner Conversation:

  • Carpet Time:
    • morning meeting is on the carpet and then back and forth throughout the day.
    • 1/3 of the class has attention issues and attention seeking behaviors
      • Those kids cause the times on the carpet to be longer
    • Try something new : give one warning and then have them leave the room so others can learn.
  • Ross Greene conversation
    • Abby’s voice not heard  as much.  Need to get more comfortable voicing your opinion
  • Jody’s idea: Spend the next two weeks getting ready for SLCs and then  focus will shift to Abby and Jody splitting more and abby taking the lead more often.



DATE: 2/12/2020

Learning Partner Conversation: 

3 main takeaway from  video taping your lesson.

Jody: Wipe down tables more often, make sure that all students can easily see what they are doing, make sure that when you use two different words to describe that students know what you mean, think about who is sitting where to optimize learning

Abby: have everything ready for the students in a way that makes sense to the kids ahead of time, making sure kids can all see, look at optimal seating, know your goal.

VIDEOS COMING…having trouble uploading.

Next Steps: Setting up another time to video. Not going to preplan this one.  Will be week of 2/18/2020

In class stuff:

Assigned Seats: Did it on the rug because too much fighting about where they are. Concerned about effectiveness



Date: 1/15/2020

Learning Partner Conversation:

discussed taking a math lesson and splitting it.  Abby will teach half the class and jody the other.  Group switches with each lesson.  Jori will video tape each teacher on a different day.  Suggestion: keep the kids possibly for a week.

Observations will be 1/22 and 1/24.  Jori and Abby will plan together on Tuesday 1/21 during LP Meeting.

Reflection:  (need prompts?)

We will use the meeting on 1/29 to watch tape and reflect.

Explicit Examples in Student Work (when applicable):




Date: 11-21-19

Learning Partner Conversation:

Check in on Special Friends day, Friend’s Feast, Chanukkah Pajamakah, EC goals

We will continue to focus on goals in our Wednesday EC team meeting

Jori feels that Karen should write the goals for entering 1st so that I can be sure to have kids prepped for her, just as we all wrote the goals for entering 3k, jk and sk.

Jori, Sarah and Jody will try to meet the week of December 10th to talk about portfolios.


Reflection:  (need prompts?)

This was helpful to get everyone up to speed.

Explicit Examples in Student Work (when applicable):




Date:  October 2, 2019

Learning Partner Conversation:

Goal: Shortening time in lessons – math and language arts – more time focusing on practice and small group time.

Next time focus on a couple lessons and how to shorten them.

Reflection:  (need prompts?)

Need to carefully look and decide which lessons can be shortened and which need to possibly be split.

Explicit Examples in Student Work (when applicable):


Date: 3/12/19

Learning Partner Conversation:

We talked about SWI and how to use it to introduce words like “have” and “they”

I need to look into using word families and homophones.

Together we looked at making a bookmark to use across the grades with kids for when the meaning breaks down or they come across tricky or unknown words.

Reflection:  (need prompts?)


Explicit Examples in Student Work (when applicable):



Date: 3-5-19

Learning Partner Conversation:

Reconnected after her maternity leave. Discussed some of the information heard at SWI.

I am looking for support to forge ahead with more of an SWI inquiry approach for introducing pop (high frequency) words

Reflection:  (need prompts?)

There are many things I do not understand YET. I am slightly intimidated and need to take this change slow to fully help myself and my students understand the learning.

Explicit Examples in Student Work (when applicable):



Date: 2-19-19

Learning Partner Conversation:

We talked about how I could adapt the EIE unit on plant packages. It is written for 1st-5th grade, so it would need to be adapted no matter what, however, I am not sure the topic would be of interest to my kids as is.  We brainstormed other ways to work on the package design idea. We brainstormed using goldfish, suckers, or some other fragile object.

Reflection:  (need prompts?)

I need to take the time to dive into this unit to grasp the necessary objectives out of it. Then I will be able to more clearly redesign the unit.

Explicit Examples in Student Work (when applicable):


Date: 1-22-19

Learning Partner Conversation:

-I showed Dacy what my students are doing in their engineering projects via their blog posts. The kids are documenting their progress each time, what went well, what did not go well and what their next steps are.

-Next steps – kids need to complete projects

-I need to find a time for my kids to listen/read responses on their blogs.

-Also, kids need to start practicing responding to each other.


Reflection:  (need prompts?)

I had kids listen and respond to their friend’s blogs. It will take practice. We learned the correct way to “sign our names” to a comment we leave for someone else and we started talking about why we don’t always need to address our blog posts to Mommy and Daddy.


I need to find time for them to respond and reflect on their own posts more often.

All projects are now complete.


Explicit Examples in Student Work (when applicable):



Date: 1/8/19

Learning Partner Conversation:

-Instead of trying a mini genius hour project with SK we are going to do a more focused engineering style project.

-Kids will watch part of Caine’s Arcade and look at carnival games. They will then work with a partner to design a carnival game. They will then present their games to the 6th grade in hopes of the 6th graders wanting to make 1-2 of the games out of wood to use at the school Purim carnival.

-Along the way, the SK kids will blog each day about their progress and next steps.


Reflection:  (need prompts?)

-Goals for the project: 1. practice working with a partner and the give and take that includes  2. practice blogging after each day of activity: what was done today, what worked well, what was tricky and what will be the next steps

(So far we have blogged 3 times. The first two took a long time, the third was a bit faster. I am hoping that with continued practice the kids will be more and more independent. The last time a number of partners were able to as each other the questions without my help.)

Explicit Examples in Student Work (when applicable):