Dissection: Part 2 (6th Science)

I never thought I would say this…but… I am SO sad we have come to the end of our dissection. The kids impressed me more than ever during this process. They were engaged, dealt with the icky smells, and discovered/observed/explained so many awesome  findings about the perch and sea lamprey.

Below are some pictures from our sea lamprey dissection that we finished yesterday. We were lucky enough to have one female sea lamprey that was filled to the brim with eggs! The most important thing students were asked to notice and observe was the mouth of the sea lamprey. Make sure you ask your child about the sea lamprey over the weekend and how it differs from the perch!

Next week, we will begin to figure out why we did this dissection and how it aids us in answering our driving question: Where have all the living creatures gone?

-Gev. McAdams

1 Comment on Dissection: Part 2 (6th Science)

  1. Gev. Kimmel
    September 26, 2019 at 6:52 pm (5 years ago)

    Do disgusting and amazing at the same time!


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