6th Grade Science Test this Friday!

This week we have been working towards finishing our science unit on chemistry. Students are now able to answer our driving question, “How can we smell odors from a distance?” in great detail. In addition, we created models of how molecules behave in a solid, liquid, and gas and will be developing our final model of how we can smell odors from a distance tomorrow.

This Friday, we will have our final assessment on this unit. Students have a study guide available to them on Google Classroom. Along with this, students will receive two extra points on their test if they explain how they studied with a guardian’s signature. This form is also posted on Google Classroom.

Below are some pictures from our time creating models to show how molecules behave in each state of matter. Students were able to take their knowledge of molecules and create a model of their choice. I was extremely impressed with the models each group came up with. Some used string and beads, some created interactive models, and others drew or built beautiful pieces to show their understanding. Tomorrow, we will complete a gallery walk to see each group’s model and have a discussion about the similarities and differences between them. Make sure to ask your child about it!

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