WHAT IS OOBLECK? Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? WHAT IS IT?

Over the past few weeks, 5th grade students have started to write their first scientific explanations. To start off our unit, students wrote short, quick explanations to prove a scientific concept. This week, we started investigating the three states of matter, which will help the kids determine and prove if oobleck is a solid or a liquid in their final explanation. The kids researched scientific vocabulary to help describe oobleck studying words such as viscosity, surface tension, and amorphous. We then, needed to create and test oobleck to see how it interacted with different tasks to help us determine the state of matter it is in.

After students had made the oobleck, they were asked to observe and record what happened to the it based on different tasks and determine if it behaved more like a solid or a liquid.

Today, we will begin to discuss our observations and record our evidence that proves whether oobleck is a solid, a liquid, or both?! I cannot wait to see what the kids have to share.

Stay tuned to see their scientific explanations!

Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

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