How Can We Get Rapunzel Out of Her Tower?!?!?! (5/6 ETC)

Over the past two weeks in ETC we have progressed from mini challenges to longer fairy tale challenges that will take two to three weeks to fully complete. To kick off this unit students read the story of Rapunzel to get a refresher on what the fairy tale is all about. As a class, we discussed that the main problem in the story is that Rapunzel is trapped in her tower and cannot get out…. Hello, challenge number one!

Students were asked to figure out a way to solve Rapunzel’s problem by creating some sort of contraption, device, tool, etc. that will allow Rapunzel to get out of the tower safely without using her hair. Students spent two days brainstorming, planning, and explaining why their plan would work best to get Rapunzel out of the tower.

This past Wednesday, students finally were given the “okay” to start the building/creating process. Students have already begun to create such amazing things! Some kids built Rapunzel’s tower, some began to build what they needed to remove her from the tower, and some began to build a model of Rapunzel herself! Students have only begun the creating process. Stay tuned to see what their final model looks like!

Have a great weekend and Happy Chanukah!

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