Can You Fit Your Body Through an Index Card?

This week in ETC, students were given the challenge as follows:

Using only an index card and a scissors find a way to cut your index card so you can fit your entire body through it.

At first, many of the kids seemed stumped and unsure of what to do. However, after developing and brainstorming multiple plans individually and with their group, they realized that it was possible. So many of the kids used different strategies when cutting their note card. Some groups cut a really skinny spiral out of their card and then tied it together, some groups cut strips with slits in the them, and other groups folded their note card and figured out a way to cut it so it ended up unfolding into a large circle. It was amazing to see all of the different ways your kids figured out this challenge. Make sure to ask your child or children how they fit through their note card this weekend!



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