Detail is Key! – 5th Science

This week in 5th grade science, we spent a lot of time talking about the importance of recording detailed, specific observations and why scientists are required to do this. We then practiced by looking at our plants grown in organic soil and our plants grown in perlite (inorganic material, ask your kids, they know A LOT about this :)). Students had to record everything about each plant sample, from the texture of the leaves, to the sturdiness of the stem, to the height of the plant. They also had to draw an accurate representation of each plant that a stranger would be able to understand. I saw so much growth from every student throughout this activity. Students took time to really study the plant. They touched the leaves, felt the stem, used rulers to measure multiple parts of the plants, and examined the bottom of the cup to see the roots. They were pointing out things that I had not even noticed, which was so cool to hear and see. This process of observing, recording, and explaining is something that we will continue to practice throughout the entire year. I am so excited to continue to watch them grow!


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