Safe images

A way to make sure that you are using a safe and good photo is to make sure that the photo is appropriate and is used correctly for what you are making. If you are able to get photos off of a credible source online, it will probably be more safe for you to use. Making sure that you are never copyrighting anyone else is important to because if you don’t the photo you are using could not be as safe as you think it is. Always make sure to use free images or to not copyright.

Raised Garden Bed

1. What is a raised garden bed?

Raised-bed gardening is a form of gardening in which the soil is enclosed in three-to-four-foot-wide containment units, which are usually made of wood, rock, or concrete and which can be of any length or shape. The soil is raised above the surrounding soil and may be enriched with compost. 

2. Why should we build a raised garden bed at our school?

It would be a quick and efficient way to get plants to the people in poverty
3. What should we not build a raised garden bed at our school?
It does not make too many food products
Copy and paste a photo of the prototypical (best one in your mind) design of a raised garden bed.
Image result for raised garden bed
4. Explain why you like this raised garden bed and what makes it best.
This make more food products in less room

Who I am as an Avatar/ Student Blogging Challenge 1


  1. Explain in 2 sentences what your Avatar is

My avatar is me, I am kinda crazy and I love sports. This also looks kinda like me.

Explain in 2 sentences why you chose to make your Avatar what it is.

I chose it to be like me because I want to show what I look like without showing my actual face.

  1. Explain in 2 sentences what super power your Avatar has/should have.

My avatar would have super strength. I want to be a power lifter when I am older as a good-paying part-time job

  1. Include a link to the website where you created your Avatar.

How to help close the hunger gap

1. Explain what the four factors of poverty are and how they impact one’s life.

The factors are: education, health, food, and geographic location they impact lives by making people in poverty. I would not be able to be on SNAPS with my current situation. If I were on SNAPS I would have $1.26 per meal to spend on food. I could get sick and need to go to the hospital, get better food and have giant hospital bills.

2. Explain how the cycle of poverty works.

  • born
  • have no money
  • bad education because no money and in bad area
  • drop out
  • got low income job
  • be in poverty
  • have kids
  • repeat 3. How do we help people get healthy food cheaply (make sure your answer is realistic)?
  • give them money What government policy suggestions do you have?
  • give people in need money from rich people What changes can you/we make to help?
  • We can make a garden to help people who need it.

If I were on SNAPS…

1. What is SNAPS? SNAPS is a food stamp system that you need to apply for.

2. What is the average monthly benefit for someone on SNAPS? $126

3. On average, I spend $150 on food per week.

4. My life would be different if I were on SNAPS because I would only be able to spend $1.50 per meal and that would be hard.

Cycle of Poverty

1. What factors can lead to poverty?

  • born into it
  • bad education
  • bad job
  • evicted
  • medical bills
  • living in a bad area
  • family issues
  • geographic location


2. Which members of our society suffer most?

  • In the United States, 39 percent of African-American children and adolescents and 33 percent of Latino children and adolescents are living in poverty, which is more than double the 14 percent poverty rate for non-Latino, White, and Asian children and adolescents (Kids Count Data Center, Children in Poverty 2014)
  • African American unemployment rates are typically double that of Caucasian Americans. African-American men working full-time earn only 72 percent of the average earnings of comparable Caucasian men and 85 percent of the earnings of Caucasian women (Rodgers, 2008).
  • African-Americans and Latinos are more likely to attend high-poverty schools than Asian-Americans and Caucasians (National Center for Education Statistics, 2007).
  • From 2000 to 2013 the dropout rate between racial groups narrowed significantly. However, high school dropout rates among Latinos remain the highest, followed by African-Americans and then Whites (National Center for Education Statistics, 2015).

Classroom Economy – Summary of Learning

  1. As someone in this experience, tell your story.  Describe your experience. Tell us about the highs and the lows.  What were your major takeaways? What did you learn? How did you like it?  Be sure to explain your answers.


I was an internal affairs officer which means that I supervise everybody and see if they are doing their job and following core values. If they are not doing what they are supposed to I would write them up. I made $810 a week. The best part was having the couch in the classroom which is $100 dollars a week and the most expensive property in Kauflandia. The low was getting check fraud and almost needing to pay $67000. I got out of the fine because the check that got hacked was for taxes, the tax company should of came to me and told me that I overpaid my taxes and just gave me a nominal fee. I learned how to write and cash a check. This was helpful for real life when I will be getting checks.


2. How did your character’s role/situation in the game affect your ability to take care of yourself?  Think about your income, job, rent, the amount of money you had, any loans you took out, and your health situation.


I made a good amount of money to take care of myself and get some cool stuff. My rent was $125. My income at one point was the 4th out of 14 people. At the end I was 5th out of 14 people in income. I have had no health issues, others had type II diabetes but I was healthy.


3.What aspects of your character’s life encouraged success?  What aspects of your character’s life brought about failure?  Explain how that process worked.


My character’s life encouraged success because he had an education, money, and good housing. I had it pretty excellent. The only thing that brought failure was getting hacked, but that turned out well in the end. The game is like life in most aspects.


4.What attempts did you make to improve your character’s life?  How successful were these attempts? How difficult were those attempts and why?


I wanted to open a casino to get money. These attempts did not work because it is illegal in Kauflandia. It was difficult because it took time and energy to have the idea. I also took the GED test to get a raise. I got a 60%, I needed 65% to pass. This attempt was difficult because it was a high school test.


5.In bullet points, write a list of what you learned about poverty from this activity.  Be sure to include a brief description next to each item about what you learned, explaining your learning/thinking.


  1. Poverty is bad: You can get evicted
  2. You probably have a bad education: because you’re parents have no money to get in a good neighborhood
  3. You are poor: because you had a bad education
  4. You are either homeless or in a bad house: because you are poor
  5. You have a low income job: because you have a bad education
  6. You’re life probably sucks: see above
  7. Overall poverty is a giant cycle


in class today we did more classroom economy. I got chosen by the blogging director to write a blog post. I also got my check forged so when I wrote a 60 dollar check it became a 60000 dollar check

Student Blogging Challenge 8

a. How many weeks of the challenge did you participate in? I participated in weeks 1-8.
b. How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers, or other visitors? I got 3 comments.
c. Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why? I enjoyed the holiday blog post the most. I liked it the most because I could tell everybody that I celebrate my birthday.
d. Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog? I learned how to make emoji sentenced.
f. What did you learn about yourself during this challenge? I learned That I Suck at blogging.

Student blogging challenge 7

My family celebrates the Jewish holidays of Hanukkah, Yom kippur, rosh hashanah, and passover. I also celebrate Thanksgiving, Halloween, and new Years. I like jewish holidays because you get many days of presents instead of just one. I also just had the festivity of having a bar mitzvah!!! It was so fun.

Classroom Economy – Day 1

1. Explain the role/job you have been assigned for our Classroom Economy. I have been assigned the internal affairs job. I have to monitor other people to make sure they are doing their job. I make 810 fake dollars every week.

2. What are you most excited/nervous about for our Classroom Economy? I am exited to have an important job and I am nervous about maybe being fired if I am not doing a good enough job.

3. In my mind, poverty is caused by a lack of education and parents being in poverty. If a kids in poverty than they get a lack of good teachers which means a lack of education, A lack of education can cause high school drop outs and if you drop out than your resume is lacking and you get a low paying job and are in poverty, For higher class citizens they get a better education and a better resume and a better job and get a lot of income which makes them not in poverty and have money to own a lot of things for their kids to get a good education to not be in poverty. This is a rich/poor cycle that goes in cycles for generations.

student blogging challenge 4

top ten favorite sports players

10. Giannis

9. Julio Jones

8. Damian Lillard

7. Mike Ditka

6. Mark Buehrle

5. Scottie Pippen

4.Dick Butkus

3. Walter Payton

2. Michael Payton

1. Khalil Mack

Hi Duncan, I’m asher I live in the USA Can you explain what king ball is it sounds fun. Do you follow American sports?

Hi, I’m asher, What anime should I watch? I want to start.
thanks, Asher

That community service sounds fun. Do you have to do community service hours at your school?

Student blogging challenge 2


Hi la1lucas21, I am aodesky21. I live in WI. I think that your comments are great and you followed the directions very well. How many ancestors do you have in Ireland?



Hi jack, I am aodesky21 I live in WI.
Was cartoonify easy to use? If it was I might use it. Thanks for the idea



Wyatt beck

Hi Wyatt beck, I am aodesky21.
Is it annoying to live with 5 siblings? I have 2 and they are OK. Do you play any sports?

Best wishes in life

Sukkah Day 7

1. Provide a SPECIFIC example of when you or a member of your group struggled to communicate effectively, with empathy, or appropriately.

Yesterday my group struggled to communicate when we were moving the wood. I felt sad because we were yelling at each other. We should have been calm and respectful. We could have done a lot more if we were more empathetic.

2. Explain how poor communication let your team down.

Poor communication let our team down because our team goal was to start the corners but we did not achieve it because we did not know that we had t take the wood out first and that slowed us down. We should up our game for tomorrow.

3. Describe one positive example of communication you witnessed/did yesterday during class.

I saw people working very well together while putting in the final carriage bolts. It felt good to see people be nice to each other. Those groups got a ton finished.

Include at least 1 photo from yesterday, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time).


Sukkah Purchasing Day

1. Describe a situation when you collaborated well with your group yesterday

Yesterday I collaborated well with my team when we were looking for pillows and wood. We knew exactly what to get and we did not argue.

2. Provide a specific example of a time when you did not collaborate well with your group yesterday

yesterday when we were looking for paint and spray paint our group did not collaborate well because we were arguing about how much we needed and the prices of our products.

3. For the specific example of your struggles, how would you change your behavior/actions next time so as to do better?

I would be calmer and let my groupmates choose so there was less arguing and to make it quicker. I shouldn’t care so much about colors.

4. Explain how well you planned (what you need to buy and how much) and executed that plan (actually did what you said you were going to do).

I think we planned well because we spent exactly $150 dollars and we got the exact amount of bolts and wood. We needed 12 2x4x10 and 3 2x4x12 also we needed 7 pillows, 7 carriage bolts, and more decor.

this is us finding our wood and carriage bolts.

 Sukkah Day 3


1. On Friday, we worked on the organization of our purchasing plan. We are organized with our purchasing because we worked tirelessly.
2. My level of organization has helped our Sukkah project so far. An example of this is I have neatly organized our prices on the google doc


  1. How do you analyze documents with a partner? We read or looked at the picture and talked about it
  2. What is useful about working with a partner when you analyze sources? We have 2 heads
  3. What did you not like about working with a partner? Why? I liked that we played music and got most of it done
  4. Did working with a partner help you better answer our essential question? Why or Why not? no, we did not find the answer

Civil War Speed Dating Reflection

  • What role did your character play in causing the Civil War? Charles Sumner fought against slavery and helped Lincoln abolish it. 
  • Did your Character believe in slavery? NO!!!
  • Does your character believe that the government should have the power to tell states what to do? Yes
  • What other person/people does your character believe is most at fault for causing the war? The South
  • Do you like the character you were assigned? No, I would rather have somebody more important.

Slavery Primary Sources

How did the experiences of slaves first hand compared to what we have read about in the past? Were our secondary sources accurate to the slave experience? It is a lot sadder and more descriptive in their perspective. 

What was one new thing you learned from reading these stories? How sad it would be to get whipped daily.

Did reading these stories from slaves change your perspective? How so? Yes, it must have been so hard to be a slave.

Why did slaves move? Be specific in your answer. They move because they are being sold or set free which is good.

Causes of Slavery

What were 3 causes for slavery? The whites were lazy and needed workers, They thought that blacks were stronger, and they had no respect.

What did white slave owners use their slaves for? They used them for fieldwork and housework.

What crops did slaves harvest?  Tobacco, cotton and, corn

Where were most slaves from? Africa, Africans are stronger in their opinion.

Why did so many slaves move to the colonies? They had no choice and they were brought and sold

Why were there so many slaves in the colonies? The boats brought hundreds at a time.

Cornell Notes Reflection


Did you use the websites provided to you for this activity? Did they help? Explain. No, I use google search terms and searched it up.


How do you think you can use your Cornell notes in the future? The same way.


What are 3 new things you learned from researching the colonies in this way? Their names are Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth


Why did we do this activity? To learn


How did you research for this activity? Google search terms


What were the biggest challenges you encountered during this activity? none


How did you overcome your challenges? I didn’t need to


Explorers reflection

what about this project went well for you? Explain. It was fun to make.

What about this project did not go well for you? Explain. everybody did Marquette and Lewis and Clark

How can you create a better project next time? I could make it longer

How did you think the planning process went? Were you able to find all the information you needed? yes

What could Adon Kaufman and Gev. Noorlander do differently next time? not do a whole sheet for each person

What impact did explorers make? we now have more land

Why are Midterm Elections Important?

What do Midterm Elections decide in the government? The house and the senate


How are citizens impacted by Midterm Elections? Sometimes different laws


What can citizens do to get people they want to be elected? They can vote


Why do Midterm Elections exist? The Senate and house are not all 4 years.


Why is it important for different groups of people to run for government positions? They have different ideas


End of NA Unit Reflection

How do you think you have grown as a learner since the beginning of this unit? I have learned to listen better.


What topic this unit has been most interesting to you? Explain. The part about the sports teams


Think about our school values.

  • What has this unit made you wonder? I wondered how to give them reparations.

  • How has this unit made you feel empathy? I showed empathy to the native Americans.

  • How has this unit strengthened your feeling of Tikkun Olam? I will try to help fix our mistakes.


What can we (your teachers) change to make this unit better in the future? nothing

Native American Experience

Some Native Americans do not like the term Native American. Explain why they reject this name. They don’t want to be an American


One person in the BBC Video said that living in poverty does not mean they are poor. What do you think he meant by that? The land is poor not the person.


Some Native Americans approve of the team name Redskins. What is their reason for approving this name while others do not? They are happy to have a team named after them.


In the CNN segment, there was a story told about a woman who used to approve of the name Redskins, and now does not. What changed? Why does she no longer approve of the name? They are not as respectful about it.


How can non-Native people help others learn about Native Americans current issues? What can we do to help? We can respect them and learn about them.

Native American Mascots


Explain why or why not Mascots meant to resemble Native American people should be changed. The Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins mascots should not be changed because they are some of sports original teams.


Should Native American people be given something in return for these mascots? Why? They should not get stuff because the teams are so old


Do you think it would be important to you to change these mascots if a mascot was made of you? Explain. No because I would be on the Death Valley Asher’s


Should these teams and the government give Native Americans reparations? Why? No because they might like it

Columbus debate reflection

Explain how your group worked together before the debate (during research). Did you work well together? We put our research in a doc and studied. We worked together. 


Explain how your group worked together during the debate. Did you work well together? We each took turns and had different parts.


What can you do differently next time? Why will this help you and your group improve? I think that we did well. We are good


Explain how this debate influenced your opinion on Columbus. I now hate Columbus but I still like Columbus day

one word goal update

My One Word Goal: smart

One thing I can do this week to help me stick to my goal? This week I can check every answer in every problem.

One thing my teachers can do this week to help me stick to my goal? They can remind me to check my answers

One thing my friends can do this week to help me stick to my goal? They can remind me to check my answers.

One thing my family at home can do this week to help me stick to my goal? They can remind me to check my answers.


chicken day 5

Date: January 3rd, 2018

Process Day: 20


Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: aodesky21

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: hliberman21

Picture Taker: ygaines21

Procedure Police/Reflector:  ygaines21


Supplies we go more of (because we ran out): cinnamon, salt, thyme, rosemary, nutmeg,ginger,gloves, and a spoon

List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  • Put gear on
  • Take the chicken out
  • Make first mixture
  • Pour mixture out
  • Hliberman21 cleaned the container with a wipe and then wiped of the water with a tissue.
  • Pour mixture in the chicken
  • Pour mixture around the chicken
  • We cleaned the table
  • Put chicken back in it’s spot

Photos (insert them into this doc)—> must include at least 5 photos.

Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken..How has the size changed? Color? Feel? BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE!!

Sight: The chicken was really brown and kind of red because it had been irritated.

Touch: The chicken was as hard as wood

Feels: spicy

Smell: like dog poop


chicken day 6

Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain:aodesky

Chat Captain/Timekeeper:hliberman

Picture Taker: ygaines

Procedure Police/Reflector:smishelow

The chicken is really dry and reddish brown

The chicken looks squishy

List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.


Hliberman, ygaines and aodesky got gloves, masks and goggles

Hliberman got new gloves

Hliberman got some of the powder off the chicken

Aodesky put a spoon up the chicken’s butt and took out the powder.

Aodesky wiped down the tin

Hliberman shook the chicken to get the powder out

Hliberman put her hand up the chicken’s butt to get the powder out

Aodesky made a mixture of 2.5 pounds baking soda and pounds 2.5 salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in a bag

Aodesky poured the mixture over the chicken

Hliberman put mixture in the chicken’s butt

Aodesky made more mixture of 0.5 pounds baking soda and 0.5 pounds salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in a bag

Hliberman put salt on the chicken

Aodesky poured the mixture on the chicken

Aodesky made another mixture of 0.5 pounds baking soda and 0.5 pounds salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in the bag

Aodesky poured the mixture on the chicken

Hliberman and aodesky rubbed the mixture on the chicken

Hliberman put the chicken back so it could sit

This whole time ygaines is taking pictures


Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a hgroup)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken. How has the chicken changed? Color? feel?

Sight: The chicken looks like it has a tan with a sunburn because it is redish brownish

Touch: aodesky could feel the ribs. The chicken felt hard as wood.

Smell: The chicken smelled like a raw chicken. We did not like the smell. We need to put more spices on the chicken.


How much change do you think will occur over break?


I think that the chicken will dry out a lot and turn ore brown and be less squishy

Hliberman, ygaines and aodesky got gloves, masks and goggles

Hliberman got new gloves

Hliberman got some of the powder off the chicken

Aodesky put a spoon up the chicken’s butt and took out the powder.

Aodesky wiped down the tin

Hliberman shook the chicken to get the powder out

Hliberman put her hand up the chicken’s butt to get the powder out

Aodesky made a mixture of 2.5 pounds baking soda and pounds 2.5 salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in a bag

Aodesky poured the mixture over the chicken

Hliberman put mixture in the chicken’s butt

Aodesky made more mixture of 0.5 pounds baking soda and 0.5 pounds salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in a bag

Hliberman put salt on the chicken

Aodesky poured the mixture on the chicken

Aodesky made another mixture of 0.5 pounds baking soda and 0.5 pounds salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in the bag

Aodesky poured the mixture on the chicken

Hliberman and aodesky rubbed the mixture on the chicken

Hliberman put the chicken back so it could sit

This whole time ygaines is taking pictures


Chicken day 4



Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain:aodesky

Chat Captain/Timekeeper:hliberman

Picture Taker: ygaines

Procedure Police/Reflector:smishelow

The chicken is really dry and reddish brown

The chicken looks squishy

List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.


Hliberman, ygaines and aodesky got gloves, masks and goggles

Hliberman got new gloves

Hliberman got some of the powder off the chicken

Aodesky put a spoon up the chicken’s butt and took out the powder.

Aodesky wiped down the tin

Hliberman shook the chicken to get the powder out

Hliberman put her hand up the chicken’s butt to get the powder out

Aodesky made a mixture of 2.5 pounds baking soda and pounds 2.5 salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in a bag

Aodesky poured the mixture over the chicken

Hliberman put mixture in the chicken’s butt

Aodesky made more mixture of 0.5 pounds baking soda and 0.5 pounds salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in a bag

Hliberman put salt on the chicken

Aodesky poured the mixture on the chicken

Aodesky made another mixture of 0.5 pounds baking soda and 0.5 pounds salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in the bag

Aodesky poured the mixture on the chicken

Hliberman and aodesky rubbed the mixture on the chicken

Hliberman put the chicken back so it could sit

This whole time ygaines is taking pictures


Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a hgroup)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken. How has the chicken changed? Color? feel?

Sight: The chicken looks like it has a tan with a sunburn because it is redish brownish

Touch: aodesky could feel the ri

Smell: The chicken smelled like a raw chicken. We did not like the smell. We need to put more spices on the chicken.


How much change do you think will occur over break?

I think that the chicken will dry out a lot and turn ore brown and be less squishy



chicken mummification day 3


Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: aodesky21

Chat Captain/Timekeeper:smishelow21

Picture Taker:ygaines21

Procedure Police/Reflector: hliberman21


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

.First we took lots of newspaper and covered the table


.Then we put are gloves and face masks and goggles on


.Next we carried the chicken to are table and emptied the old mixture into a tin box


.We had to grab a few more gloves because we ran out


.The we started to make the new mixture. (baking soda, salt, and thyme)


.Then we grabbed a few more cups because the cups we had were all smushed


.We filled the chicken with the mixture


.Then we put the cinnamon sticks on the chicken


.We put all the materials that were reusable away


.We cleaned the table then left the chicken to sit.

Then we wiped down the table




Photos (insert them into this doc)—> must include at least 5 photos.


Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken


Sight: it was brown and dry on one side and red and still wet on the bottom because it wasn’t covered with as much salt and baking soda as the top of the chicken


Touch: The chicken was harder and felt like on the top than it was last week


Smell: The chicken smelled like cinnamon and baking soda. Kind of how a kitchen smells if someone is baking


How do you think the chicken will change between now and Thursday?

I think it will change colors by Thursday.

I think the chicken with become really hard almost solid



Date: 12/15/17


We needed a spoon

The chicken is darker on the outside than the inside

It’s really skinny and dry

The new mixture looks really new

The chicken smells good

The procedure is easy compared to wednesday

The people touching the chicken think it’s satisfying

We got a new cup

Smishelow21 got some mixture in her mouth

Cleaning didn’t take long

My group cleaned EVERYTHING

Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: hliberman21

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: aodesky21

Picture Taker: smishelow21

Procedure Police/Reflector: ygaines21


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  1. Get the chicken from the spot on the desk
  2. Put on gloves, goggles and masks
  3. Put new newspaper
  4. Get materials
  5. Make 2.5 mixtures
  6. Take of the mixture from the chicken
  7. Put in new pan
  8. Got spoon to take the old mixture out of the hicken
  9. Put chicken back in old pan

     9.9 Put new mixture in and on chicken

  1. Make another mixture
  2. Clean up

Photos (insert them into this doc)—> must include at least 5photos.


Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


How did your procedure today change from what you had planned?

We didn’t think the chicken would need changing so much

Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe today’s experience.

Sight: not as disgusting as wednesday

Touch: not as slimy

Smell: smells good. The room smelled like cinnamon


How do you think the chicken will change between now and Monday?

It will  get more dry and brown

pics coming soon