Sukkah Day 18

1. Explain how the Sukkah represents Judaism to you. If it does not, explain why. The sukkah represents Judaism to me by being the main part of a holiday and being holy.

2. What part of the Sukkah building process are you most excited to share with families/friends and why? I am most excited to show the studs and the carriage bolts and how hard we had to work to get the walls together.

3. What aspect of the building have you felt most connected to and why? I feel most connected to the studs because they were the hardest part and they connect everything.

4. How has building the Sukkah as a class helped grow your sense of community? The sukkah has grown our sense of community by forcing us to work with people that we may not exactly get along with. It also shows our true work ethic

5. When your family comes to the Sukkah on Wednesday night, what is one thing you are going to tell them about and why? I will tell my family about the trip to lowes and hot hard it was to get everything on and off the bus.

  1. Screwing plywood in
  2. Putting up skach
  3. putting up more plywood

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