Sukkah Day 14

1. Explain in at least two sentences what YOU accomplished today. Today I accomplished finishing my sister stud so our wall could be done. I also felt like a leader when I came up with good ideas.

2. Explain in at least two sentences what YOUR GROUP accomplished today. Today my group finished our wall. We also carried it to the side of the school.

3. Explain in at least two sentences what YOUR GROUP has to finish tomorrow. If you don’t know, ask a group member. Tomorrow we need to help other groups move their walls. We can also paint our plywood.

Sukkah Day 13

1. Today, we worked on Screwing in the sister studs, and it felt great to do this because we were all working together with great and getting it done.

2. An example of when I worked well with a classmate was when we were doing the sister studs.

3. I have nothing left on my Sukkah wall. I am feeling awesome about the amount of work left.

This is us doing the sister studs.