Sukkah Day 17

1. Sukkot represents impermanence (something that should not be permanent). Explain if you believe or disagree that our Sukkah, which is safely standing on its own, is violating that. I think it’s safely standing on its own because we made it so it would stand up by itself with no extra pieces of wood.

2. Describe how this Sukkah project has changed your perspective (how has it changed, what has it changed about, has it changed for the better/worst). It has changed my perspective because at the beginning I thought we would have been in our wall groups but we have all been helping eachother and working together.

3. Explain how you have used your body thus far to build this Sukkah. I have used my body to build the sukkah for example carry walls, put in the studs, and using tools.

4. How do you plan on getting guests into the Sukkah? We made the sukkah in the front so everyone will see it so that will help and by everybody telling there family’s.

5. What are some activities you wish to do in the Sukkah? I wish to do sukkot rituals and playing games .


Here’s a picture of one of us putting the finishing screws in the corner.

Here’s a picture of one of us putting the roofing on for the stakch.

Here’s a picture of me painting my wall matte black.

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