City Hall Experience

We got to go to City-Hall on tuesday it was a really cool and fun experience. We got on the bus and it took 40-45 minutes for Hillel to get on the bus. We got there at around 1:45. When we got there we sat down and they gave us hat’s and sandwiches lunches. I ate the bread of the sandwich and ate my own lunch. When we were eating our lunches some people talked and The Mayor. Then the people called us by groups to get cake. When we were done with the cake. We got number stickers and got into groups.  We played a really fun game and you had to work together to solve the clues. I feel like it was a cool experience to see the Mayor talk about Israel’s birthday.


Invention Convention Brainstorming

Invention Convention Project Proposal

Lavender Scented Zen Garden™
What ideas have you brainstormed?

Post it holder

What is the problem you identified?

A lot of zen gardens don’t have a sent. So I’m making a lavender scented zen garden. That is calming and peaceful.

What is the solution to your problem?  Please include a labeled sketch.

Lavender Is a calming scent. Also zen gardens are pretty and calming.

Where did I look to see if the idea was new?….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.5.399…0i13k1j0i7i30k1.0.NcnWoYvwAM8&safe=active&ssui=on#imgdii=vnfDIE6SG64paM:&imgrc=rbDJQ1UeWk9qoM:

What materials do I need?

I need Sand, Small rocks, Fake mini plants, mini wood bridge, Water and a mini waterfall.

What is my plan?

I am going to make it in the makerspace. I am going to make a box in the maker space, a mini waterfall and a mini wood bridge. I have small rocks at my house and I’m going to by sand and  I going to by lavender sticks.

What help do I need from others?

I need Gev. Clyde to help me with gathering the  materials.

Jewish Studies Reflection

  1. Was the Experiential Exodus objective met? How do I know kindergartners learned what was intended? I feel like I could of done more about the learning part because it could of been more about the plagues instead of just a game.


  1. Were the kindergartners actively engaged? How do I know? I think they were confused at first but then they got it and it was fun.


  1. Did I alter my plan as I presented the experience from one group to the next? Why? No because it was fun the first time and pretty simple. So I just stuck with it.


  1. What additional assistance, support, and/or resources would have further enhanced this experience? Maybe more time. 


  1. If I had the opportunity to share the experience again with the same group of kindergarteners, would I do anything differently? What? Why? I would make it more educational about the plagues.