February 20

How to help close the hunger gap

1. Explain what the four factors of poverty are and how they impact one’s life.
the four factors of poverty are housing (meaning your house and your family), medical (meaning your hospital,medications, Medicare and Medicaid.), education (meaning your school and how much education you have), and geography (meaning where you live).
2. Explain how the cycle of poverty works.
So imagine this, you have a bad job because you did not get a good enough education. So you don’t get paid enough which means it’s hard to pay for food and your house. with less food, you can’t work as efficiently which means you can get fired. without a job, you can pay for your house so you could get evicted. so now you’re homeless, jobless, and hungry.
3. How do we help people get healthy food cheaply (make sure your answer is realistic)?                 maybe we could convince grocery stores by telling them how this will help people who can’t afford good food to maybe have a certain day of the week where their healthy food could be half off?
What government policy suggestions do you have?
grocery stores to maybe have a certain day of the week where their healthy food could be half off?
What changes can you/we make to help?

maybe somehow we could convince grocery stores to donate more fresh food to shelters so people could eat more healthy

Posted 20th February 2020 by mmesserman21 in category Social Studies

2 thoughts on “How to help close the hunger gap

  1. nkaufman

    For question 1, please EXPLAIN each of the four factors, not just list them.

    How do you plan on convincing grocery stores to lower their prices? Aren’t they in business to make money? Once you take away their money, how will they afford to stay open?


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