December 21

Unequal Pay

1. How did you feel when you realized there was such an unequal pay amount between workers and bosses?
I did not even realize that there was a mistake with the money. Maybe it was because I was not here on Wednesday. but when I was told that there was an unequal pay I felt happy for the people who got more money.
2. Why does unequal pay between workers and bosses happen?
I think that unequal pays happen because maybe because they forgot about how important the job really was like Kaufman did.
3. What is a realistic solution to prevent such unequal pay from happening in the future?
make sure you do a little more research on each job to see how important that job really is.
4. What is one topic that has interested you thus far and why is it interesting to you (ex: evictions, utility meters, unequal pay, taxes, rent).

I would say all of the above because before we learned about all of this I knew nothing about this stuff. s I’m glad that I’m learning so much so I won’t have trouble when I’m an adult.

Posted 21st December 2019 by mmesserman21 in category Social Studies

1 thoughts on “Unequal Pay

  1. nkaufman

    But ultimately, how do you solve people getting paid an unequal amount?

    Right now, women get paid 80% of what men get paid for the same job. How do you fix this issue?


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