September 26

sukkah day 9

1. Describe what skills (s) you have learned so far. Who taught you those skills? How did they teach you those skills? How have you mastered those skills?
so far I have learned how to build a wall and i learned these skills from my group and the teacher. they taught me these skills by showing me how to do it and letting me try it for myself.
2. Explain if you believe your group is ahead or behind other groups. Explain why you believe you are at that point.
our group is very behind other groups because we never get along very well
3. How effectively did your group communicate and collaborate with each other? Provide one SPECIFIC example to support your point.
we don’t communicate/collaborate very well because we are arguing a lot and one person or two is doing all the work while the other two are just sitting around waiting to do something.
4. Today is a complete reset from last week. What is one goal YOU have for yourself? Explain why you picked that goal.
my goal is to participate more because sometimes im just sitting around
5. What is one goal you have for YOUR team? Explain why you picked that goal.

to find something for everyone to do because like I said before, half of our group is doing nothing for the whole class

here is my group putting in our screws and nails. I’m kinda just sitting in the corner…

Posted 26th September 2019 by mmesserman21 in category Social Studies

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