Sukkah Day 11

1. What did your group accomplish today? Today we finished our wall!!!!!!!!

2. What do you have left to complete in order for your wall to be finished? Nothing!!!!!!!!!

3. Explain how well your group communicated/participated today. Be sure to include one specific example. We were great, there was no fighting.

Include at least 1 photo from today, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time).

We were doing our final corner!!!!!

Sukkah Day 10

1. What did your group accomplish today? We got almost all of our studs done

2. What do you have left to complete in order for your wall to be finished? We have 2 studs and one corner.

3. What help do you need from me (Adon Kaufman) or your classmates? Be specific. We need nothing, we are doing great.

Include at least 1 photo from yesterday, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time).I was drilling holes