memoir update

We’ve been working on writing memoirs in ELA for the past few weeks. Here is an update of what I’ve accomplished/learned at each stage of the writing process.


The part of the writing process that has been the most comfortable for me has always been…because…

My favorite part of the process is the drafting because I like coming up with new ideas as I write.


The part of the writing process that has been the most challenging for me has always been….because…

The most challenging part of the process is coming up with the right story sometimes it takes 20-25 minutes to find it.



I’ve learned the characteristics of a memoir include: 

1. a true story of a memorable experience

2. written in # order

3. includes descriptive details

4. includes reflection

5. writer is in the story

6. include family

7.written to make the reader feel a certain way

I think the characteristic I really want to focus on in my writing is…because…


Making the reader feel a certain way because my story is not the best subject for that.


My favorite memoir mentor text was….because the author…


My favorite text is my rotten redheaded older brother because I can connect with it because my brother is rotten, spoiled, annoying ,and not nice. The author made it realistic by using present tense words with description.

Generating Ideas/Selecting




Why do you want to share this idea/story with others?

I want to share that it was a memorable experience.

What emotions do you want your reader to feel as they read your memoir?

I want them to feel happy like I felt happy while going through the experience.


Here is my first draft:



One thing I think I did really well is….because…

Using exciting words and loud words to add excitement and suspense.

As I head into editing and revising, one thing I want to focus on is…because…

using better punctuation.

Stay tuned for another post soon as I work on revising my first draft. If you have any SHE (specific, helpful, empathetic) feedback, please leave it as a comment!


One thought on “memoir update

  1. I really love your ideas and reflections about the writing process for a memoir. As a matter of fact, I plan to share it with my reading coaches this week. Thanks for the tips!!! Write on!

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