Sukkah-Day 8(Problem Solving)

1. What are the five steps to solving a problem ?

-Find out what the problem is

-Remain calm and trust yourself and groupmates that it will work out(if need be, use calming strategies)

-Think of three ways(at minum) to solve the problem

-Discuss all possible solutions then all agree on the best one

-If your first idea works, great! If it doesnt, use another idea

2. What was the problem your group was experiencing? What were your solutions?

The problem was that we might not have enough milk cartons to make out the initials of our school name. The three possible solutions we came up with were that we should keep announcing at lunch that we need people’s cartons when they are done drinking from them. The second idea was to cut the milk cartons in half to have more cartons. The third idea is to make the design more basic by not making theĀ  letters as big and wide.

3. Describe how it felt working with your group after you identified your problem and came up with solutions.

It felt really good and refreshing to work with my group. I say this because before we identified the problem, It felt like there was some tension between different groupmates. Now that we figured out the problem, we are all calm and all compromising and getting a lot more work done/being very productive.

Here is a picture of one groupmate screwing in a screw. The other group member is holding down the wood so that it doesnt move all over the place.

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