Earthquake Prototype Initial Thinking and Ideas

1. Describe your initial thinking and ideas for your design.

We want to make a design that can resist an earthquake. We did some research on the different ways we can brace the building and how materials can absorbĀ the pressure of the waves and the earthquake.
2. What challenges do you anticipate having when constructing your prototype? How will you work through these challenges?

I thought it would be hard to capture everything we needed into this prototype.
3. What about your thinking, learning or work today brought you the most satisfaction? Why?

The fact that we can find answers online and put them into our project is satisfying. Also seeing the prototype Levi made, is great because we are making progress while knowing there is still mero to add.
4. Describe one way you have connected and collaborated well with your partner.

I helped him with the first part of the research and I showed him some of the ideas I had last year. I think we work well together because we both share our ideas with detail.
5. Describe one way in which you can improve upon your collaboration?

It would have helped if I was here, but now I can help him with all the extra stuff, like materials and the buildingĀ process. Also, I am here so I can get more information.

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