Programming Hanukkah Cards

  1. Describe what you were supposed to do. We were to first supposed  to take A Hanukkah card and put in a doc what was programmed for each sprite and then we got to make our own.
  2. Describe your experience as a Scratch programmer. Is it something you are expert in or a novice? I only new how to make a new sprite and how to get  backdrop but nothing else.
  3. Reflect on what was easy and what was challenging
  4. What did you learn in a process? I learned how to program each sprite and make them move and change colors.
  5. Provide a link to your card
  6. Add instructions on how to use your card. Assume that the user have never used Scratch before. For example, sometimes you need to click on something for an affect to take place. You just click the green flag and it will start to move and change colors.

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