Chicken day 33


Process Day: 33


Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: J

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: L

Picture Taker: S

Procedure Police/Reflector: D



First we covered the table in newspaper so that the table does not get dirty or damaged.  Then we took the chicken and took the powder in the inside and outside of the chicken off and out.Then we rubbed the chicken so the old mixture would go off.Now we took our baking soda and we used 5 cups of baking soda and 5 cups of salt and we mixed it together to make the mixture. Then we took the mixture and put the mixture and put it in the inside and out. Then we just pretty much bury the chicken in it.Then we took our scents (Ground Cloves and ground nutmeg) and we put it on the chicken  and inside the chicken so that it does not smell nearly as bad.Then we took the chicken back to the window sill and we wait till another week before we do this again for the LAST TIME!




Our Senses with Chickens:

Sight: “It looks like it almost all around has black and blue marks and looks like a giant bruise and looks a lot smaller than last time.

Touch: “It feels like a dry hard rock”

Smell: “It smells like squirrel who was dying from skunk smell”

“Were using Ground cloves and Ground nutmeg to keep the smell from turning disgusting”


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