November 19

Classroom Economy – Day 1

1. Explain the role/job you have been assigned to our Classroom Economy.
I am the judge and in this job, I can help decide fines, donate money to people who are poor, help sort out class fights, and help the president(sean) with decisions. I get 1,550 dollars a week and get to donate 50 dollars to charity.
2. What are you most excited/nervous about for our Classroom Economy?
I’m excited to be able to help the president and getting paid a lot. but deciding things for people is definitely going to be hard because I always get anxious that I make the wrong decision.
3. In my mind, poverty is caused by going bankrupt.

November 15

student blogging challenge 6

here is the emoji that I made! I picked the halo because my friends say I’m way too nice and I picked a chef’s outfit because I love to cook. (although the hair is a bit too long…)

here are my answers to the math questions! (puzzle 1507)

Solvemoji puzzle -- fruit

watermelon= 10




November 8

student blogging challenge #5

my personal playlist has a bunch of musicals like Hamilton, lightning thief, be more chill, and Dear Evan Hansen. the reason I like musicals so much is that in each musical, each song has a different style. either when the song is going fast, and stress in characters are building up, or when a character is at peace because their problems are solved.

November 2

student blogging challenge 4

hello! i made a escape room/ bomb escape game! good luck! comment me the answer when you get it!

you wake up to see that you are in some strange house with no windows and only one door. you run to it, but it’s locked. you see on the door there is a note and a dial pad. you read the note and it says: hello. the only way to escape is to put in a four digit code. but be warned. if you do not escape within two minutes, a bomb will go off. good luck!

set a timer for two minutes and use the sheet below to escape!

October 17

sukkah 19

1. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what would you do differently next time? Explain in at least three sentences why you think that.
I would definitely plan how much we were going to spend because now the sukkah does not have enough plywood and there are holes. I would also sketch a plan out how we’re gonna decorate it because now it’s a lot of random stuff crammed together. I also wished that we had a little more time but it’s also our fault for being so distracted.
2. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what are you most proud of and why! Explain in at least three sentences.
I really like the skach because I think it looks pretty with all the different types of branches. I also love the whiteboard because that means we can draw on it. I also really like how nice the window looks
3. What are three pieces of advice you have for the current 6th graders as it relates to their Sukkah?

figure out what to spend the money on each thing, don’t waste as much time as we did, HAVE MORE PLYWOOD.


October 11

sukkah 18

1. Explain how the Sukkah represents Judaism to you. If it does not, explain why.
I like how the skach has branches from different trees. I think it’s supposed to mean that we are a variety of jews.
2. What part of the Sukkah building process are you most excited to share with families/friends and why?
the decorations and paintings because i bet it would look so pretty when it’s all up (if we get there)
3. What aspect of the building have you felt most connected to and why?
probably the decorations because that involves crafts ( again, if we get there)
4. How has building the Sukkah as a class helped grow your sense of community?
I definitely learned a lot about communication. (flashback to carrying the walls)
5. When your family comes to the Sukkah on Wednesday night, what is one thing you are going to tell them about and why?

how we made the sukkah and how I helped because I bet they would be a little curious.

October 11

blog 17

1. Sukkot represents impermanence (something that should not be permanent). Explain if you believe or disagree that our Sukkah, which is safely standing on its own, is violating that.
I agree because we used screws to secure our sukkah which means they will be easy to remove
2. Describe how this Sukkah project has changed your perspective (how has it changed, what has it changed about, has it changed for the better/worst).
we definitely had to change a few things due to the lack of time and materials. I think it changed for the better though because I think it will make the sukkah look cozy even though there are going to be a few holes in the wall.
3. Explain how you have used your body thus far to build this Sukkah.
my body definetly felt very tired after building.
4. How do you plan on getting guests into the Sukkah?
send an email out to parents and have a big dinner in the sukkah. maybe we could have a meal in there also as a way to say we did it
5. What are some activities you wish to do in the Sukkah?

maybe we could have a meal in there also as a way to say we did it


here is our plywood

here is Shira measuring our roof

here is our sukkah so far

October 7

sukkah 16

1. What did you do today (describe the process of what you accomplished)? – minimum of 3 complete sentences
today I helped anyone who needed help. one of the things I did was help put on the washers and nuts on carridge bolts. another thing i helped with was helping to carry the last few plywoods to our spot
2. What is one thing you have done so far you were initially scared/worried about, but now feel more confident in after all this practice? – minimum of 3 complete sentences

the main thing I was scared of the most was having the walls fall on me because that would hurt. another thing I was scared of was having the wall fall on other people because that would hurt them. I was also scared of having the whole build collapse and break because that would be a lot of hard work and money wasted
3. Give a step by step account of what you have done so far to get our Sukkah up to where it is today.

first I sat around waiting for something to help with. then, I was given a few options of what to do. finally, I chose to help with washers nuts and plywood.

here is Kaufman drilling in a hole for a bolt to go in.

here is ari measuring the angles of the walls to work on the roof.

here is the sukkah so far!