PBS reflection


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on March 6, 2019

What are the 3 new facts you learned from this website?

I learned that the slaves sang mostly religious songs. I also learned the perspective of multiple people. I also learned about a girl named Maria

Listen to at least 3 of the songs on the website. What importance do they have? How were they used by slaves?

Look down that long, Arwhoolie and Shortn’in bread. They are important because it is history and all history is important. They were used to ask for freedom and have hope.

Look at the timeline of events. How did legal action against slaves change? Did it become more or less strict? Why do you think this is?

It was turned to different restrictions and rules. I think this is because people hadn’t learned their lesson yet.

Read through (or listen) to the personal narratives. How are these similar or different to the personal stories you read earlier? Why do you think this is?

Similar: They are stories of people who were slaves. Different: They are already out of slavery whereas in the packet it is during their experience.

Explorers Reflection


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on December 10, 2018


What about this project went well for you? Explain.

I think that getting done went well at the end because at the beginning I had problems

What about this project did not go well for you? Explain.

The Beginning. In the beginning, I started doing an animation but it was REALLY difficult. 

How can you create a better project next time?

I think I can maybe use my time more wisely. I wasted a lot of time.

How did you think the planning process went? Were you able to find all the information you needed?

I think it went well because I got my research done at the right time and I was able to move on right away.

What could Adon Kaufman and Gev. Noorlander do differently next time?

Make it easier.

What impact did explorers make?

They explored other lands

Why are mid-term elections important


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on November 2, 2018

What do Midterm Elections decide in the government?

They decide the governor, Senate and I don’t remember what else for the state.

How are citizens impacted by Midterm Elections?

The citizens get to choose who gets to win the elections by voting for their favorite person and that’s a big deal.

What can citizens do to get people they want to be elected?

They can vote for their favorite person.

Why do Midterm Elections exist?

The Midterm elections exist for people to choose again for elections so that if they made the mistake last election they can fix it?

Why is it important for different groups of people to run for government positions?

It is important for groups to run for government positions because it gives the person they want more support.

Native American Expieriance


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on October 24, 2018

Some Native Americans do not like the term Native American. Explain why they reject this name.

I think they reject the name because they think that they aren’t really native anymore

One person in the BBC Video said that living in poverty does not mean they are poor. What do you think he meant by that?

I think that they meant that The native Americans live in poverty but they can still make money and not be poor.

Some Native Americans approve of the team name Redskins. What is their reason for approving this name while others do not?

I think that they think that it’s okay because maybe it strongly represents their culture.

In the CNN segment, there was a story told about a woman who used to approve of the name Redskins, and now does not. What changed? Why does she no longer approve of the name?

I think that the reason she approved of the name earlier was that it was something that strongly represented their culture and how they lived. What change was that they stopped doing some of the things that they were doing for their culture and people still thought it was an accurate representation of them.
How can non-Native people help others learn about Native Americans current issues? What can we do to help?

I think that we can learn to respect the native Americans as we would do to our other friends.

Native American Mascots


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on October 18, 2018

Explain why or why not Mascots meant to resemble Native American people be changed.

I think they should change the Mascots because of all the common Native Americans who are very offended by this, I mean, Do you really think Native Americans look like that even nowadays?

Should Native American people be given something in return for these mascots? Why?

I do not think they should be given anything else because giving an entire different mascot is pretty big to be honest

Do you think it would be important to you to change these mascots if a mascot was made of you? Explain.

I think I would want them to change it because I do not feel comfortable with my face on a football team it’s unsafe to me.

Should these teams and the government give Native Americans reparations? Why?

I think they should not because again changing an entire mascot is pretty darn big

Revisiting our Puzzle Pieces


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on October 15, 2018


In August, I thought the following about myself as a learner:

I thought I was a Pretty good learner and still am ish?

Today, I would add the following to my puzzle piece….because…

I would not add anything else because I am the same learner I was in August

Today, I would tweak or modify my puzzle piece by….because…

Again I would Not add anything because I have not changed as a learner

I think I’ve already grown this year as a learner by…

I don’t think I’ve grown this year so far Because it was only 2 months ago that we made these things!

Thinking about working in teams in ETC, my classmates can best support my learning needs by…

Letting me do stuff, Giving me breaks and giving me the environment I need to learn

Columbus Debate Reflection


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on October 12, 2018

Explain how your group worked together before the debate (during research). Did you work well together?

I think that we were arguing a lot with each other but for a good cause to gather the correct Information

Explain how your group worked together during the debate. Did you work well together?

During the debate, we planned out who was gonna talk and when they would talk.

What can you do differently next time? Why will this help you and your group improve?

I think we did find we were much more serious about our topic than the other group because they were using things like Spongebob and Stitch

Explain how this debate influenced your opinion on Columbus.

I still think that we should just celebrate him because he is history and everyone in history has been bad before

Marble Run Challenge


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on October 8, 2018


Essential Question: Can my group successfully plan, design and build a paper plate pinball/marble run using only the provided materials?


Goal: Move the marble from one end of the plate to the other, having the marble travel through at least three obstacles.


My teamwork/communication goal for this challenge:

My goal is to get along with my teammates as much as I can and finish the project.


Step 1: Brainstorm

Look at the supplies table. You may NOT take anything from the table yet.  

You may only take ONE plate and ONE marble. There are no other requirements. You will have 15 minutes to build.

What ideas do you have?

I think that we could take a cardboard tube then tie some pipe cleaners together and finally take three popsicle sticks put them together and let the marble pass. 

Your group has shared all of your ideas. Before you can start building, what is your actual plan?

  • What will your marble run look like? (draw a sketch & insert photo here)
  • How will you make sure all members of the group are included in the building process?
  • we will all do one thing at a time

Build and test

  • Insert a few photos of the building process here


  • Insert a photo of your final product here


What was comfortable about the challenge/teamwork?

I felt like it was comfortable sharing my ideas.

What was difficult about the challenge/teamwork?

I thought building all our ideas was pretty difficult 

How did the teamwork rubric help your group today?

It didn’t do anything

Is there anything you would change about the teamwork rubric after going through this challenge?

Letting more people do more stuff.

How did you support your team today?

I helped

What might you do differently during our next team challenge?

Ask to do more stuff?


Lego Duck Challenge


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on September 27, 2018

Today I worked through two different challenges in a small group. The first challenge required me to work with my partners to build a duck out of legos in 4 minutes. The second challenge was a brain teaser where we had to solve a bunch of questions within 7 minutes.


Here is a picture of my duck:



After The duck Challenge:

What went well for my team regarding teamwork…

We all helped give Ideas for our duck

What went well for my team while completing the actual task…

We made a beautiful duck

What was challenging for my team in terms of teamwork…

Nothing we got along perfectly

What I would do differently…



After the Brain Teaser:

What went well for my team regarding teamwork…


What went well for my team while completing the actual task…


What was challenging for my team in terms of teamwork…

We couldn’t figure it out.

What I would do differently…

Try harder


When working in groups this year, I hope that…

Pharoah Research Reflection


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on March 5, 2018



Which Pharaoh did you study?

My group studied Akhenaten

What was the most interesting thing you learned about your pharaoh? Why did you find this to be so interesting?

The most interesting thing we learned was probably that he changed the Egyptian religion because it was just so interesting why he did it

What was the most challenging aspect of research while studying your pharaoh? Why?

The most challenging part was… PRINTING.  Printing was so difficult because whenever we printed it never came out! Were lucky we at least got the facts

What was the most challenging aspect of working with a partner throughout this project? Why?

There wasn’t really much challenge with my partners because we all were pretty much always on task and it went pretty dang well.

What do you still wonder about your Pharoah or about pharaohs in general?

I still wonder what the names of Akhenaten’s 11 children were because one of the groups that share said the names of their 14 children and they took like 5 minutes just to say the names of those kids! And we never found out.