Why are mid-term elections important


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on November 2, 2018

What do Midterm Elections decide in the government?

They decide the governor, SenateĀ and I don’t remember what else for the state.

How are citizens impacted by Midterm Elections?

The citizens get to choose who gets to win the elections by voting for their favorite person and that’s a big deal.

What can citizens do to get people they want to be elected?

They can vote for their favorite person.

Why do Midterm Elections exist?

The Midterm elections exist for people to choose again for elections so that if they made the mistake last election they can fix it?

Why is it important for different groups of people to run for government positions?

It is important for groups to run for government positions because it gives the person they want more support.

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