Native American Mascots


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on October 18, 2018

Explain why or why not Mascots meant to resemble Native American people be changed.

I think they should change the Mascots because of all the common Native Americans who are very offended by this, I mean, Do you really think Native Americans look like that even nowadays?

Should Native American people be given something in return for these mascots? Why?

I do not think they should be given anything else because giving an entire different mascot is pretty big to be honest

Do you think it would be important to you to change these mascots if a mascot was made of you? Explain.

I think I would want them to change it because I do not feel comfortable with my face on a football team it’s unsafe to me.

Should these teams and the government give Native Americans reparations? Why?

I think they should not because again changing an entire mascot is pretty darn big

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