Pharoah Research Reflection


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on March 5, 2018



Which Pharaoh did you study?

My group studied Akhenaten

What was the most interesting thing you learned about your pharaoh? Why did you find this to be so interesting?

The most interesting thing we learned was probably that he changed the Egyptian religion because it was just so interesting why he did it

What was the most challenging aspect of research while studying your pharaoh? Why?

The most challenging part was… PRINTING.  Printing was so difficult because whenever we printed it never came out! Were lucky we at least got the facts

What was the most challenging aspect of working with a partner throughout this project? Why?

There wasn’t really much challenge with my partners because we all were pretty much always on task and it went pretty dang well.

What do you still wonder about your Pharoah or about pharaohs in general?

I still wonder what the names of Akhenaten’s 11 children were because one of the groups that share said the names of their 14 children and they took like 5 minutes just to say the names of those kids! And we never found out.

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