Sukkah Day 19

1. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what would you do differently next time? Explain in at least three sentences why you think that.

I think we should not have made it so tall in comparison to its width. I think this because now it just looks strange. also we didn’t have enough money for plywood.

2. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what are you most proud of and why! Explain in at least three sentences.

I am most proud of the slant. Because the slant is the hardest part of the sukkah. Also it’s the first time it’s been done, at MJDS.

3. What are three pieces of advice you have for the current 6th graders as it relates to their Sukkah?

DON’T DO A SLANT IT’S TOO MUCH WORK, also try to make it longer than it is tall and make sure to budget smartly.


This is MMM putting in some paper to cover the pot

This is SG painting an MJDS sign

This is ES looking for a drill bit

Sukkah Day 18

1. Explain how the Sukkah represents Judaism to you. If it does not, explain why.

It does not yet because there is more sun then shade and the walls are not completely covered with plywood.

2. What part of the Sukkah building process are you most excited to share with families/friends and why?

The building of the walls because thats before we ran out of plywood and thats just what I’m most proud of.

3. What aspect of the building have you felt most connected to and why?

I think the screwing because I have gotten much better at it and its one of the this that I’m best at when speaking in building terms.

4. How has building the Sukkah as a class helped grow your sense of community?

It has helped me trust other people with jobs that I think that they can’t do, because I have seen that they are also capable of doing most of the jobs I can do.

5. When your family comes to the Sukkah on Wednesday night, what is one thing you are going to tell them about and why?

I am going to tell them about how long it took us to get along because at first we were always yelling at each other but know we are only yelling at each other slightly less.


here is me screwing the plywood to the stud

This is me putting a clamp on the plywood to keep it in place

This is a picture of the scach


Sukkah Day 17

1. Sukkot represents impermanence (something that should not be permanent). Explain if you believe or disagree that our Sukkah, which is safely standing on its own, is violating that.

No, I don’t think it is because it is very temporary because we plan to take it down in a couple weeks

2. Describe how this Sukkah project has changed your perspective (how has it changed, what has it changed about, has it changed for the better/worst).

It changed how I look at buildings now because it took us so much work to put in studs, and how much the sukkah took to build.

3. Explain how you have used your body thus far to build this Sukkah.

I used my arms to bring my studs to the walls and the walls to the sukkah spot.

4. How do you plan on getting guests into the Sukkah?

The teachers do this every year so they will just bring their kids to the sukkah.

5. What are some activities you wish to do in the Sukkah?

I want to eat in the sukkah because of that’s what the sukkah is meant for.

Sukkah Day 16

1. What did you do today (describe the process of what you accomplished)? – minimum 3 complete sentences\

Today I measured the length of some wood for supports. I cut the wood at an angle with the miter saw. Then I checked to see if it was the right angles.

2. What is one thing you have done so far you were initially scared/worried about, but now feel more confident in after all this practice? – minimum 3 complete sentences

I was worried about cutting wood at angles. because I felt it wasn’t as foolproof as cutting it at a ninety degree angle. But now that I have done it more often I can realize that it is as good at cutting it at a ninety degree angle.

3. Give a step by step account of what you have done so far to get our Sukkah up to where it is today.

  1. we made a plan
  2. we modeled the plan
  3. we got the wood ready/ bought the wood
  4. we put the carriage bolts in the top, bottom, and side plates
  5. we brought the wood outside
  6. we made the rim by screwing and nailing the plates together
  7. we cut the studs at a 10 degree angle so it would fit in the slanted top plate
  8. we screwed and nailed the studs in
  9. we brought the walls to the place where the sukkah would be
  10. we put 3 of walls up and secured them so that they won’t fall with 2×4’s
  11. we put carriage bolts into both the walls
  12. we put up the 4th wall
  13. we put in supports from wall to wall for extra support
  14. we put in a window




Here BW is putting a nut on a barrage bolt

Here we are screwing wood onto our wall for the window

This is a picture of our plywood

Sukkah Day 15

1. What did you do today (describe the process of what you accomplished)? – minimum 3 complete sentences
We put 3 of the walls up and SG and I screwed in supports so that people would not have to hold up the walls all day. We also brought up ES wall to the place the sukkah will be at. We almost finished securing 2 of the walls together.

2. What is one thing you have done so far you were initially scared/worried about, but now feel more confident in after all this practice? – minimum 3 complete sentences

I was initially scared that when we are bringing the walls it will fall on someone, but now I have more faith that we have the strength that no one will get crushed. I was scared to let other people do a lot of work because I wasn’t sure that they were going to do a good job. But now I know that I can let some other people take the wheel because I have seen that I am not necessarily the best at everything.

3. Give a step by step account of what you have done so far to get our Sukkah up to where it is today.

  1. we made a plan
  2. we modeled the plan
  3. we got the wood ready/ bought the wood
  4. we put the carriage bolts in the top, bottom, and side plates
  5. we brought the wood outside
  6. we made the rim by screwing and nailing the plates together
  7. we cut the studs at a 10 degree angle so it would fit in the slanted top plate
  8. we screwed and nailed the studs in
  9. we brought the walls to the place where the sukkah would be
  10. we put the walls up and secured them so that they won’t fall with 2×4’s
  11. we put carriage bolts into both the walls


Here I am screwing a 2×4 into the wall to make sure it doesn’t fall

Here BW is putting a nut into a barrage bolt

Here is a picture of the MJDS that will be up on the sukkah

Sukkah Day 14

1. Explain in at least two sentences what YOU accomplished today.

I put in 2 nails, well it was more like 6 but 4 of them broke so I put in one nail successfully. I helped to cut the door of one of the walls.

2. Explain in at least two sentences what YOUR GROUP accomplished today.

We finished putting all the nails in which was really hard because we couldn’t put the nail in straightly. We moved 3 of the walls to the final resting point of the sukkah.

3. Explain in at least two sentences what YOUR GROUP has to finish tomorrow. If you don’t know, ask a group member

We need to make our keepah dispenser and we need to make a shelf for the keepah dispenser.


Sukkah Day 13

1. Today, we worked on screwing and hammering and it felt bad and good to do this because screwing is very simple, you just push a button, but nailing is very hard because it requires a lot of focus and attention, and I have neither of those things.

2. An example of when I worked well with a classmate was someone who was holding onto a stud while I was screwing in to make sure that the wood stays in place.

3. I have only a couple of nails left on my Sukkah wall. I am feeling good about the amount of work left.

Sukkah Day 12

Here I am Drilling in a screw into a stud because if I don’t then the only thing that will be holding in the stud is a nail, someone was holding the stud while I was drilling

Here we are putting the stud in place because if we don’t then we will have a crooked stud, DG is pushing it down, MMM is pushing it does to, and I’m making sure it doesn’t twist

Here DG is marking up the line to put in the nail and the screw because if we don’t then we won’t be able to know where to put the nails and screws, this is really a one-man job because you don’t need anyone to be doing anything else

Here I am hammering in a nail because if I don’t then only a screw will be holding the stud in, someone else is on the back of the stud holding it in place

Here we are marking where to cut the studs because we don’t want eyeball it, someone is holding the stud inlace while the other person marks

Sukkah Day 11

1. What did your group accomplish today?

We finished the rim of our wall and marked the studs that have to go into the wall.

2. What do you have left to complete in order for your wall to be finished?

We need to mark the 10-degree angle on the studs, cut the in that 10-degree angle, and we need to screw and nail them in.

3. Explain how well your group communicated/participated today. Be sure to include one specific example.

We surprisingly did pretty well in communicating, not much of the time people were standing doing nothing, so we got a lot of work done.


Here we are measuring the 10-degree angle

Sukkah Day 10

1. What did your group accomplish today?

We finished the sidewalls and measured the 10-degree angle for the top plate.

2. What do you have left to complete in order for your wall to be finished?

We need to cut the 10-degree angle and put in that stud, and but in all the other studs.

3. What help do you need from me (Adon Kaufman) or your classmates? Be specific.

I need help with using the circular saw because I don’t know how to use it.


This is us hammering the nail into the wood