Sukkah Day 19

1. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what would you do differently next time? Explain in at least three sentences why you think that.

I think we should not have made it so tall in comparison to its width. I think this because now it just looks strange. also we didn’t have enough money for plywood.

2. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what are you most proud of and why! Explain in at least three sentences.

I am most proud of the slant. Because the slant is the hardest part of the sukkah. Also it’s the first time it’s been done, at MJDS.

3. What are three pieces of advice you have for the current 6th graders as it relates to their Sukkah?

DON’T DO A SLANT IT’S TOO MUCH WORK, also try to make it longer than it is tall and make sure to budget smartly.


This is MMM putting in some paper to cover the pot

This is SG painting an MJDS sign

This is ES looking for a drill bit

2 thoughts on “Sukkah Day 19

  1. I am so impressed by your sukkah! It clearly took a lot of hard work and perseverance.

    I think it’s interesting that the thing you are most proud of is also what you recommend not doing! Why is this? Instead, would you encourage others to take risks and try something new? It seems like your risk paid off!

    Also, don’t forget to follow blogging guidelines! 🙂

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