Sukkah Day 17

1. Sukkot represents impermanence (something that should not be permanent). Explain if you believe or disagree that our Sukkah, which is safely standing on its own, is violating that.

No, I don’t think it is because it is very temporary because we plan to take it down in a couple weeks

2. Describe how this Sukkah project has changed your perspective (how has it changed, what has it changed about, has it changed for the better/worst).

It changed how I look at buildings now because it took us so much work to put in studs, and how much the sukkah took to build.

3. Explain how you have used your body thus far to build this Sukkah.

I used my arms to bring my studs to the walls and the walls to the sukkah spot.

4. How do you plan on getting guests into the Sukkah?

The teachers do this every year so they will just bring their kids to the sukkah.

5. What are some activities you wish to do in the Sukkah?

I want to eat in the sukkah because of that’s what the sukkah is meant for.

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