Raised Garden Bed

1. What is a raised garden bed? A raised garden bed is just like a normal garden bed but raised off the ground. This stops certain animals and natural disasters from ruining your crops.
2. Why should we build a raised garden bed at our school? It is a super simple idea and we as a class could make it look nice.
3. What should we not build a raised garden bed at our school? It only takes a few hours to build them and we need something to do for social studies.

Stone Raised Bed
4. Explain why you like this raised garden bed and what makes it best.   I like it because it makes the garden look nice and it also provides a decent amount of space for the crops to grow and flourish.

2 thoughts on “Raised Garden Bed

  1. The garden you liked is a bit more complicated than I think we can do. Do you know how/best ways to build one at a cheaper cost?

  2. Hi this is Jose from California and i think the raised garden bed could possibly be a good idea i personally have a garden in my house.

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