Native American Experience

Some Native Americans do not like the term Native American. Explain why they reject this name.

Because they are not “Americans” meaning that this wasn’t American at that time so they are Natives.

One person in the BBC Video said that living in poverty does not mean they are poor. What do you think he meant by that? That most of the people there are poor.


Some Native Americans approve of the team name Redskins. What is their reason for approving this name while others do not?  Because it was a team from all the way from 1960 so why do they have a problem now?


In the CNN segment, there was a story told about a woman who used to approve of the name Redskins, and now does not. What changed? Why does she no longer approve of the name? She found out how they were using the name.


How can non-Native people help others learn about Native Americans current issues? What can we do to help? We can tell our friends and family members what is going on through blogs, videos, articles and more.

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