Reflecting on Clue(The Game)

What thinking moves did you use when playing this game?

If somebody already said an answer and it was correct, I kept that in mind and would restate that answer when it was my turn. If it wasnt correct, I wouldnt use that answer in my turn. I also listened to my group mates closely in order to do this and really had to focus. Lastly, I would see if anyone was making a face to see if maybe one of the answers to something was correct or incorrect becuase the person’s face tone would usually change.

How did organizing your information impact your experience playing the game?

I thought my organizer was very detailed because it had 3 categories: who, what, and where. I also had a place to write notes. I feel that this wasnt really working for me because I didnt really need to write down any notes because all I needed to know was if my or any of my teamtes guesses for anything was right or wrong and would record down information based on that. I didnt really write down anything in the end because I was just having fun which I guess is good. Maybe next time though if we ever play this again, I could work on recording any information so I could have a better shot at winning.

Where else do you use these thinking skills?

Sometimes I will use this in basketball during a game.

When might you need this kind of thinking?

If I notice a pattern of what an opponent is doing during the game, I could use that to my advantage. For example, if one player only goes to the basket on the right side and cant dribble on the left, instead of doing defense to early and wasting energy, I can jsut wait until they get to the basket and that way I can just play defense better and maybe even block the ball!? That way, I could also have a mini break and take a “breather” while still on the court. Bassicly thinking/working smarter not harder.

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