Rapunzel Challenge:Testing and Reflection

Before Test Questions:

What materials did you choose for your build and why?We used hot glue, pipecleaners, paper, crayons/markers, purple/blue(ish)yarn, popsicle sticks,model magic(blue,green,and yellow), and scissors. Lastly, there is a little spring under the bed with foam to make the bed shape. We chose these because some fo the materials we needed were not there, so we had to substitute them and I think our design still turned out pretty well. They were all sturdy and were able to hold everything together.(At least we thought)
Here is a picture of my plan:

Here is a picture of my first attempt at the building process:

During Testing Questions:

What are you noticing?We are noticing that our design is unique and enetertaining because there are a lot of different colors and no one else chose to do a zipline.
What things are working? It is very entertaining to watch because of the color and backround and it is also very realistic and could be a real way for Repunzel to escape the tower.
What things are not working?Repunzel’s weight is making the seat brake and uneven. That is making the zipline not able to move so we have to push it instead of it going on it’s own. Also, the zipline rope is not tight enough.
How will you tweak this and make it better? We will make Repunzel go on a “hair diet” because her hair is weighing the chair down too much. We will cut her hair and make the chair bigger so it will be a better “fit”. We will then make the chair bigger by using more paper. Lastly, we will get sturdier yarn so the rope is tighter and we will use stronger tape to hold it down. The rope will be higher up and have more of an incline to help Repunzel go down it faster.
Do you need any new materials? If so, WHY?We will need a sturdy sciccors to cut off some of Repunzel’s thick hair. Also, more white paper to make the seat bigger. Plus, tighter rope so the zipline is sturdier and stronger. Lastly, thicker tape to hold down the zipline.

What is Your New and Improved Idea?

Here is a picture of my updated plan:

Why will this new design work better than your first attempt? What is your evidence?This will work better because everything is more sturdy(zipline,tape,chair) and the zipline has more of an incline which helps move things better so in this case, the chair will move faster. Also, Repunzel will be way less weight and the chair will be a bit bigger so everything will go together better!


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