Cereal Box Challenge

Step 1-Challenge Information/Goals:

Today’s Challenge: Create a new kind of cereal and its box. Using a piece of poster board, you and your team need to create your own box, with the goal of having the largest possible volume.

Teamwork Rubric Focus (Participation)

My goal for participation today within my team is:

My goal is to make sure everyone feels involved and have an equal share of what we are doing.Maybe we can have team roles so that its easier to come up with roles for everyone?

Step 2-Planning:

My Individual Plan:

My idea is to cut the paper in half and then kind of curve it up and tape it to the other piece of paper which I will also curve up.

Why I think my plan will be successful:

I think my plan will be successful because the paper probably wont tear this way because we arent cutting up the paper into such little pieces that its so thin. Also it will have a big volume because it will be super tall and wide, because you are curving up the paper,it will stay better and then it will be tall.

Our Group’s Plan:

First we will cut the paper in half and then draw our design on both pieces. Then we will roll both pieces up and tape them into the shape of a circle then tape those two circles together.Then we will name our cereal “potatOes”.

We chose this plan because:

We compromised our ideas this way and it will be super tall which is what we are going for.

Possible challenges that may come up during construction:

The paper may be smaller than we think it is and we may run our of tape due to not being careful with our usage of it.

Each team member will be responsible for:

One team member will document,another will draw and fold the paper in half,and I will cut and tape everything together.

Step 3-Pictures/Reflection:

After the Build:



Our design worked well because:

It worked well because there were a lot of drawings in it and it was super colorful like the teachers told us to make it. Also,our group won first place for volume which was super cool(not trying to brag)!

This activity was challenging because:

At first,it was hard to think of how we could round up our paper because it kind of kept on not staying put while we were trying to tape it down.But, then one of my partners had a good idea of how to shape the papers which you can see in the pictures above.

This activity was comfortable because:

Our group worked really well together because we never complained if we werent doing anything,but instead helped each other out and we didnt fight with each other.Lastly,we always checked with each other to make sure what we were doing was ok and getting feedforward from each other.

I met my teamwork participation goal by:

I met it beacuse we all checked with each other to see what roles we wanted and if that was ok with each other.

A strength of my team was:

We were very good at communicating with each other about what we wanted to do and if something didnt work out,we improvised and all had great ideas!

An area of growth for my team is:

Maybe next time we could spend a little less time on the visuals(although thats important)so we could have more time to work on other components of the challenge.So maybe to be a little more aware of time.Plus, space out our time a bit better.

For our next challenge, my new teamwork participation goal for myself is:

Maybe try something new that I havent done before(in terms of group roles) so maybe instead of taking the pictures again,I could try to draw or write something.


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