Newspaper Shoe Challenge

Step 1-My Goals/Instructions:

Today’s Challenge: Using only newspaper, 24 inches of tape, and one scissors, you and your partner need to create one shoe that fits either you or your partner’s foot. The shoe must be able to come on and off without falling apart.

Teamwork Rubric Focus (Communication)

My goal for communication today within my team is:

My goal is to not interupt someone while they are talking even if I think I have a good idea because then they might think that Im not listening to them.

Step 2-Planning:

My Individual Plan:

My plan is to make a boot so what me and my partner can do is first make the base and we can do that by out lining in a way a little bit of the newspaper and try to shape that into a boot base. Then we will make make the top part of the boot by making a big circle out of news paper by circling up the paper and then taping that together and then taping the base to the top part of the shoe. If it isnt sturdy enough,we can always add more layers by adding more newspaper if needed.

Why I think my plan will be successful:

I think my plan will be succesful because it will be super sturdy because we can always add more layers of paper and its something that you can really build of off.

My Partner and I’s Plan:

The shoe we want to make is an ankle boot heel.Our plan is to first take one our feet and then put a piece of newspaper under it and then start building layers off of that up to our heel. After that, we will attemp to make the heel by wrapping up pieces of newspaper together and taping it to the bottom of our sho3. It will be a little heel so we will use little pieces of newspaper.

We chose this plan because:

It combines both of our ideas and we can always adjust the plan easily if something goes wrong.

Possible challenges that may come up during construction:

The heel may break because of the pressure of our foot and we might not have enough newspaper/tape but I think we will as long as we are both aware of what we are using and communicating about it with each other.

Each partner will be responsible for:

My partner will be responsible for having her foot used to make the shoe and guiding me in what Im doing while making the shoe on her and I will be responsible for making the shoe.

Step 3-After the Build Pictures/Reflection:

Here Is A Picture of Our Final Product:

Our design worked well because:

It fit very well on my partners foot and it looked pretty much like a shoe, or at least as close as you can get to one while using newspaper! Also it was easy for my partner to take on and off the shoe without it breaking. Lastly, we had tons of leftover newpaper in the end.

This activity was challenging because:

It was hard to make the heel at the bottom look like a heel without making it to high that my partner would be tripping.  It was also hard with the amount of tape that we had(too little). We maybe didnt use it in the most effective way though.

This activity was comfortable because:

It was comfortable because the challenge didnt take that long to do(actually putting the shoe together). Also our shoe design was pretty easy to put together minus the heel.

I met my teamwork communication goal by:

I let my groupmate speak before me and I waited my turn to say something and if I thought I was gonna forget what I was going to say, I wrote it down.

A strength of my partnership was:

We communicated pretty well with each other and comprmised really well.

An area of growth for my partnership is:

When we were presenting our design to the class, we wernt very clear on who was saying what so my partner ended up saying everything but it wasnt her fault because again, we wernt being clear.

For our next challenge, my new teamwork communication goal for myself is:

As Ive said before in other reflections, we should both be on the same page and be clear on who is saying what.


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