Cup Holder Challenge

Cup Holder Challenge


Today’s Challenge: Using only provided materials ( 6 straws, 1 piece of paper, a piece of tinfoil, 12 inches of masking tape, 2 paperclips, 2 pieces of string, 1 envelope, and 2 pipe cleaners)  create a structure that holds two cups as high as possible and as far apart as possible.

Teamwork Rubric Focus: Participation In Groups

My goal for participation today while working in my group is:

I will try to speak up a little bit more but at the same time,not speak up to much. I want to find a good balance between speaking up and stepping back and letting other people have a chance.

Step 1:Planning

Here Is A Picture Of My Individual Plan:

Why I think my plan will be successful:

I think my plan will be succesful because the beams will be a very good source of support for the rest of the structure and the tinfoil wont tear easily(hopefully).

My Groups Plan:

We will do the idea of cutting up the 1 piece of paper into 4 pieces and then roll them up to make support beams. After that we will put straws in the tinfoil to make it more supportive and then we will close that up and tape the the support beams to the tinfoil . Lastly we will cut an envelope in half and tape that to the tinfoil for just extra support and to make it look cool.

We chose this plan because:

The beams will be a great source of support for the tinfoil and the tinfoil will even hold up better since there are straws in it. Also we compromised all of our ideas this way because someone else in my group bassicly had the same idea as me and another had the idea of putting the straws with the tinfoil to make it more sturdy which was a great idea.

Possible challenges that may come up during construction:

Our idea might not be sturdy enough or we might get into a fight about something.

Each group member will be responsible for:

One person will be in charge of documenting/taking pictures,another will be in charge of assembling everything together,and I will cut up the piceces of paper into 4 strips and then tape it.

Step 2:Pictures and Reflection

Here is a picture of our groups final product:

Our design worked well because:

It was pretty tall and it looked really cool(before it fell down at least).Also the straws in the tinfoil worked really well because it stayed put together and was super sturdy!

This activity was challenging because:

By accident I cut the paper only in 2 parts not four so then the structure didnt hold up as well that way. Also it was hard dividing up the tape portion for everything.

This activity was comfortable because:

I understood the directions very well and since the challenge itself was very comfortable for me,I could really focus on what I was actually building rather than the guidlines. Also I liked having group roles since that way we could all take responsibility for our own actions and what we were doing so if something didnt get done,it would be on the person who had that job! Luckily we all did our jobs and behaved well.

I met my participation goal by:

When someone was talking and already said an idea of mine I didnt repeat them because that tends to be the reason why I talk a lot and sometimes that can waste time. But,I spoke up and shared my ideas as well. I felt that I did do a good job of balancing those those 2 things out.

A strength of my team was:

I think we all worked well together because we never really fought and we were kind and respected each other! Also we all had some great ideas and were good at combining all of our ideas together.

An area of growth for my team is:

I think we could have communicated a little bit better because when we first started to build, we were all a bit confused but then we talked and worked things out with each other and then everything was fine.

For our next challenge, my new participation goal for myself is:

To have everybody be on the same page and know what we are talking about and if we have a question to ask. I feel that this was the reason why we got slowed down at first because people werent asking questions when they were confused(including me).

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