What Makes a Team Work?

What Makes A Team Work?

Why is it important to develop the capacity to work as a member of a team?

It is important because this is a lifelong skill we are going to need and it’s important to start when we are younger so that we have more practice.

What areas of teamwork do you find easiest and why?

I find it easy because we (usually) all have great ideas and we never really have a time when we get stuck minus having a question or two. (I think it also depends on the team and who I’m working with) I find this easy because there really is no right or wrong ideas that you can have.

What areas of teamwork do you find most challenging and why?

I find compromising and having everyone’s thoughts and opinions heard very challenging. It’s also challenging to have everyone participating and staying focused. Lastly having everyone feel involved and included is VERY challenging. It is challenging because especially sometimes when there are no teachers around and Im the only one in the group trying to do all the things I mentioned above, it can get hard.

What difference does it make if you are able to play a role in the development of assessment tools?

We can then know what we have to work on and do to get good grades and just because it’s the right thing to do. Also if someone isn’t behaving they can know what they are doing wrong because there are guidelines instead of getting in trouble and not knowing that you couldn’t do something.

In what way(s) do you connect this work to our Core Values: Wonder, Empathy & Tikkun Olam

Empathy: I am kind to my group mates and respectful to everyone’s thoughts and opinions.
Wonder: I can ask questions when confused and have a sense of curiosity.
Tikkun Olam(Repairing the World): I can maybe do a project with my group to help others in the world or just be kind to my peers so that there will be peace. That can also inspire other people to be kind to each other and make peace as well.

2 thoughts on “What Makes a Team Work?

  1. I appreciate how much thought and reflection you put into each and every one of these questions. I agree with you when you say how challenging it can be to keep everyone involved in the group. What are some ways you could try to keep everyone involved in future group tasks?

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