Lego duck chalange

After The duck Challenge:

What went well for my team regarding teamwork…

What went well for my team while completing the actual task…

What was challenging for my team in terms of teamwork…

What I would do differently…


After the Brain Teaser:

What went well for my team regarding teamwork…

What went well for my team while completing the actual task…

What was challenging for my team in terms of teamwork…

What I would do differently…


When working in groups this year, I hope that…

After the duck chalange

We got togther well  because we each had different jobs and when we made the duck we made it togther.

We did not yell at each other.

We could not decide who’s duck we should use

I would not do anything difrentley



After the brian teaser.


We had 1 dockmunter and 1 solver.

Evryone  got the job they wanted

The thing was hard.

Have a bigger group.